"Run For Your Life" by Lady_Ganesh (R)

Dec 04, 2011 22:40

Pairing: None, gen
Length: 550
Author on LJ: lady_ganesh
Author Website: Author's Page on AO3
Why this must be read:

It's a given in canon that Oriya often ends up doing favors for Muraki, but one gets the feeling that in turn, Muraki has to return favor to his longtime friend and protector. This fic shows what those favors might entail, as a girl goes on the run from Kou Kaku Rou, only to have something follow her. His Paleness never named, and the build up to the reveal is quite stealthy, which leaves one shuddering at what the ending strongly implies... Lady Ganesh's fics are always deftly-cut gems, but this one especially lingered with me for a long time after I finished reading it.

Run For Your Life

yami no matsuei, anime/manga, fanfic

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