Pairing: Starsky/Hutch
Length: 4958 words
Author on LJ:
smudleyAuthor Website: More of KAM's wonderful S/H fic can be found at the new Starsky and Hutch Archive.
Why this must be read: The title of this story made me expect a violent, suspense-filled casefic. I was wrong, but I wasn't disappointed. There isn't even any sex, and I still wasn't disappointed, and I'm the type of reader who combs through stories to find (and savor) the NC-17 bits. So what's so great about this fic? It's by the great Kaye Austen Michaels! Her love for the characters comes through in every line, and her dialogue is so perfect you'd swear you were eavesdropping in the back seat of the Torino (or better yet, under the guys' bed). Unless you're squicked by references to veganism and toe-kissing, you need to read this.