Winter by Lynna Bright (Adult)

May 02, 2011 08:06

Hello, I'm Kat and I'm driving the van for Starsky & Hutch this month. The Torino's been washed and waxed, her oil changed and she has new tires, so she's all set to go. Here's the first rec and it's a doozy.

Pairing: Starsky/Hutch
Length: 21,848 words
Author on LJ: none
Author Website: Just this one so far...

Why this must be read: Starsky & Hutch is a classic fandom with decades of zine fic that is now being slowly (and wonderfully!) posted to the net, thanks to the tireless efforts of some of the fandom's dedicated fans. This is such a story. It is brand new to the net as of last week although it was written in 1987. It is a dramatic story dealing with a post apocalyptic world after a nuclear holocaust and how Starsky and Hutch cope with a destroyed world and with destroyed lives. I found the story compelling and the story telling well done. I was drawn into the devastated world that this author created and her characters are well crafted. I highly recommend it.

"I figure we could drive down to the village," Hutch said, mind spinning a mile a minute.

"What about the fall-out?"

It'll kill us. What else? "I'm not sure. We're five, almost six hours from L.A." He tried to remember all he'd read about the effects of a nuclear blast. "Should be two, maybe three days before any-any radiation reaches-us." I'm not saying this, am I? His voice was shaking, on the verge of breaking. He could feel it. "Come on. Get dressed. It doesn't make much sense to stand here speculating without knowing what's actually happened."

"Okay," Starsky said, letting him go. "Okay." He went back into the cabin, defeat and sadness in every line of his body. This, it seemed, was beyond even his irrepressible spirit.


starsky & hutch, fanfic

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