Patterns by Selena K (K)

Jul 02, 2010 22:52

Characters: Third Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Harriet Jones.
Length: one-shot
Author on LJ: selenak 
Author Website:, DW MasterlistA03
Why this must be read:

There are great differences between different eras of Doctor Who, and between different incarnations of the Doctor.  But there are commonalities, too, themes and ideas, and underneath all the different faces and different quirks he is still recognizably the Doctor.  This fic highlights some of those commonalities.  The author describes it as "meta disguised as fanfiction" and while I don't think I'd go that far, there's a core of truth to it.  This is a very thoughtful piece, well-written, and enjoyable to read.  If you're an old-skool fan, you'll recognize the events referred to; if you've never seen any old-skool Doctor Who, the author gives you all you need to know.


doctor who, fanfic

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