Staying Late by Maidenjedi (R)

Sep 24, 2009 12:09

Pairing: none
Length: short vignette (500 words)
Author on LJ: maidenjedi
Author Website: Uninvited - XF Fanfic of Maidenjedi
Why this must be read:

In keeping with the short vignette theme, I offer up another one. This story was written for a 500 word Jeffrey Spender challenge doesn't feature Mulder or Scully (except in passing). It answers a question raised at the end of One Son and involves Kersh's unnamed secretary and Jeffrey Spender. Although the show revolved around Mulder and Scully, there was an excellent cast of supporting actors that had their own fantastic storylines. Although this story is too short to really give a "story line" to any of them, it does feature a snapshot of a moment not involving Mulder and Scully.

Maidenjedi is an excellent author with a comprehensive body of work. Although I wouldn't consider this a "flagship piece" by any means, I'm proud to be able to recommend one of her stories and hope you read some more of hers.

Staying Late

the x-files, fanfic

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