Telegrams by Heather F (PG)

Aug 24, 2009 21:08

Fandom: Magnificent Seven
Pairing: All Seven, Gen
Length: 5,496

Why this must be read: It's almost Christmas time and Chris and Ezra are in jail - much to the dismay of their current captor, Sherrif Dunbar. The series of telegrams and letters he sends JD in Four Corners mirror his increasing irritation with, and puzzlement about, his prisoners. I love JD's maturity in this story and the fact that the others are quite willing for JD to bare the brunt of Chris' eventual anger at being left in jail. Sherrif Dunbar is a good creation too, his letters and telegrams and the way he finally deals with Ezra are excellent.

Excerpt: Mr. Larabee is a dark unforgiving fellow with yellowish hair. He seems to smile only when he is contemplating the dissembling of Mr. Standish. He is built like a whipcord, carries a revolver with a chunk missing from the handle. (yes, I have the revolver in my desk drawer). He strikes me as a dangerous fellow. He has little patience and seems to grow more sour with the coming of the holiday.

Mr. Standish uses this and the safety of the bars to irritate the man. It is truly amazing, really, to watch how they work on one another.

Mr. Stratton alias, Mr. Sullivan, alias, Mr. Sultan, alias Mr. Standish, alias Mr. Stephens (with a ‘ph’ and not a ‘V’ as he has pointed out to me numerous times) runs his mouth as often and as quick as his cards. He dresses quite sharp. He seems to lack the common sense the Good Lord gave a stray dog. The man is intent on badgering Mr. Larabee and then laughing.

This strange behavior is a bit unsettling.

I think perhaps Yuma might not be safe from them.


the magnificent seven, fanfic

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