Blue Dress by Miss Kitty E (R)

Aug 08, 2009 20:24

Pairing: JC/Joey
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Why this must be read:

Well, it is JC's birthday today, and really, what better way to celebrate than by putting on a dress and having Joey fuck him?

Yeah, anyway. Not a long story, but well done. Joey, who's having some problems of his own, persuades JC to tell him about a fantasy. Joey's reactions are wonderful, and the eventual sex is very hot.

You sighed, "No, I mean, what's your secret fantasy. The crazy, stupid thing that people do in porn but that you could never bring yourself to ask a someone to do."

JC raised his eyebrows in very unenthusiastic surprise, "If I wouldn't ask my lover, why would I tell you?"

"Because it's me. If there is any anyone on this planet who will love you just the same after you reveal whatever sick, twisted thing it is you jerk off to at night, it's me."

"Was that supposed to inspire faith in you, Joey? Cause it didn't. At all."

Blue Dress

pop slash, fanfic

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