Pairing: Danny/Sam, Danny/Valerie, Tucker/Valerie, Jack/Maddie, Vlad/Maddie
Length: ~150,000
Author on LJ: n/a
Author Website:
Fanfiction.netWhy this must be read: Nonny’s written a number of really epic, wonderfully characterized stories. I’d rec them all if I could. Since I can’t, I’m choosing this one, half because she alternates narrators through the core cast and has them all pitch-perfect, and partly because I haven’t really recced a story with Vlad yet, and that’s a shame because he’s the main villain. (He’s also one of the hardest to really get right, and Nonny manages it.)
The story starts off with Danny almost dying after being attacked by Valerie, and then Vlad involves himself and things get ugly…