Frozen Toes and Melting Hearts by Malin

Jun 28, 2009 21:43

Fandom: MCFLY
Pairing: Harry/Tom
Length: one-shot
Author on LJ: galaxydazzle
Author Website: via the McFly Official Boards
Why this must be read: Malin is one of those people that *gets* the boys and their characteristics. She has a wonderful way with words, creating fictions that are lyrically beautiful and stunning to read. Like dreaming while you're awake. I'm reccing this one because its one of the ones I've persuaded Malin to put on lj, but she is also one of the only writers to get the balance of the relationship between Tom and Harry - alpha-y and tender and amazing. Check out the rest of her fics - she writes amazing long fictions that keep you up all night on the edge of your seat!

Earthquake. That was what came to me in my blurry world of colour dancing across darkness and a flurry of hands brushing my skin warm and tingly in my cold state. I was being pushed and nudged, pulled and thrust here and there, gusts of cold air fluttering across my naked chest and arms and then finally, as a broken cry and a mumble fell off my dry lips, I fell. I moaned in agony and confusion as the hard floor came up meet me and my eyelids felt heavy as I pried them open. There had been no earthquake of course but I’d been close enough.

“Oh god, Haz!” Dougie piped up, alarmed and already feeling a bit guilty. “I didn’t mean to… oh fuck fuck fuck…!”

Frozen Toes and Melting Hearts

rpf: musician, mcfly

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