Pairing: Severus Snape/Filius Flitwick
Length: 8,050
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Fics by FloraWhy this must be read:
This is a lovely, moving portrait of an odd couple who, through the author's wit and charm and careful delineation of their characters, turn out to be not so very odd after all. It's the retrospective story of Flitwick's' relationship with Snape, up to and beyond the events of that dreadful last year. The fic doesn't condescend to Filius' size or marginal role in the series; his POV is warm, well-mannered, and intelligent, and the banter between the two is a delight. Flora is one of those endowed with an effortless gift of gab, the ability to make her dialogue trenchant and funny and true. She depicts Snape as an adult, a man with an astringent sense of humor who proves to be excellent company if you don't mind a little snark with your tea. He keeps his secrets until the end, though, which causes a breach and costs him Flitwick's trust. And by then, of course, it's too late.
The fic walks a fine line between melancholy and humor, and through the blessings of magic it allows for forgiveness and companionship even after death. Flora's solution is perfectly suited to Flitwick's innate civility and inquisitive mind, to Snape's Slytherin nature, his desire to be remembered and known. It leaves you feeling soothed rather than sad, even though the smile is bittersweet, and wishing you could spend more time with them both. Because Flora's knack for storytelling and attention to her characters will keep you wanting more.
He stood and poured each of them a cup of tea, then carried Severus's to him. "It is very worrying, but I do wish you'd let it go for the night. And stop wearing a rut in the rug."
"I'll fix the sodding rug in the morning," Severus grumbled. He took the cup and sipped, then lifted a brow. "This is unusual. And quite good."
"Just arrived yesterday." Filius sat in the low chair and pushed back into the wings, resting his feet out before him. "It is good, although you may be responding to the fret-not charm on your cup."
"Oh, perfect. It isn't enough I've spent the day coping with the effects of those blasted twins' experimental pharmacopeia; now my own lover is dosing me."
"No, charming you. And you can stop continuing to pace just for effect."
Severus glowered, but did slow to a stop and then sit down in the other chair. "Even Granger couldn't have done it. Not that she would, I think, but if we don't know how it happened, then how in the world are we to prevent all manner of other out-of-control trickery?"
"I suppose we shall just have to keep a weather eye out for it."
"I don't know whether it's come to your attention, but I have been watching the boy virtually constantly for over three years. So far, I've been unable to prevent a bloody thing."
"That's not true! You followed them, just last spring--"
"And was stunned, battered, and dismissed for my troubles"
"But you were there for him. Eventually it will all be clear to him, how much you've done."
Severus shook his head. "I have my doubts." He held up the cup before him, squinting at it. "It's just as well that I trust you," he said. "What, did you tie it into the pattern?"
"Nothing so clever. It's merely that the interior surface is charmed, and the tea, being green, is an excellent conductor."
"Mmmyes. You'll have to show me the maths later."
Filius shook his head. "No bringing theory into bed."
"As I recall, you rather like theory in bed."
"Not theory of tea." Filius hopped down out of his chair and set his own cup on the table, then held out his hand to take Severus's. Severus swallowed the last out of it first, then handed it over and watched as Filius insinuated himself between his knees.
"Is this the point at which I should note that as we are not in bed, I am free to wax eloquent on tea theory?"
"No; this is the point at which you allow me to employ a rather more obvious and certainly less theoretical method of helping you to get a good night's sleep before we begin watching like overbearing hawks in the morning." Filius unbuttoned a select section of Severus's robe and pushed open the sides. "Unless you've a better idea?"
Severus pursed his lips. "Sometimes I wonder if our relationship is only about you discovering new and ever more effective ways to force my compliance via orgasm."
"I could always stop."
"But just think what it would do to the student population, if I were to be unusually grumpy tomorrow."
Jigsaw Pieces