"Where the Ocean is Deep" by jennaria/karolja (NC-17)

Dec 06, 2008 08:29

Pairing: Billy Tepper/Joey Trotta, Ensemble Cast
Length: Novella in eight parts (all linked together)
Author on LJ: jennaria (everyday journal)/karolja (fic journal)
Why this must be read: Having served as tech, plot, and every other kind of support possible for this story, I had the honor of watching it come into being bit by bit. Thia writes great stories to begin with, but for her to delve into the undertaking of a longer work is a rare treat. The emotional arc of this story is one of the finest you'll come across in this fandom, and her characterization is, simply put, spot on. Her command of this universe isn't limited to the two protagonists; she writes the rest of the guys just as well as she writes Billy and Joey, and she isn't afraid to prove it.

( Where the Ocean is Deep)

toy soldiers, fanfic

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