sailorptah Musical artist: David Phelps
Pairing: None
Vidder on LJ:
sailorptahVidder's website:
erinptah.comWhy this vid kicks ass:
Have you heard of Jonism? The official website is
here, and once you've read that you'll have a better idea what
sailorptah means when she describes this vid as, "... the illegitimate child of This Week In God and Even Stepvhen, raised from infancy in a convent of Jonist nuns."
This vid has mademe laugh every time I have watched it. It's just so well-executed! With the clever editing and the funny idea ... the part withthe Crisco cracks me up. She does warn for, um, blasphemy, however. So keep that in mind.
It is the FIFTH vid listed on
this page.