Pairing: Thomas/Francis
Length: ~3000 words
Author on LJ:
alinewrites Author Website:
DV Fiction by Alinewrites on LJ Why this must be read: Written for the
dv_squee Requestathon on the prompt “Thomas is Persephone, Francis is Hades,” everyone immediately guessed that the author was
alinewrites due to the stunningly gorgeous sensory detail (and the blue cloak!) This fic is a true AR - you don’t have to be familiar with Drake’s Venture to understand it. Take it as pure myth, if you like.
Tapping his fingers lightly against the thick wood of the conjugal bed, Persephonos watched as the darkness was progressively dispelled, pushed away into the furthest corners of the room. There were no torches, no lamps but the walls and the ceiling seemed to glow softly, more and more with every second, bathing the room in a quiet soft light not unlike the delicious brightness of a late summer afternoon on Earth. Near the bed was a basket of fresh fruits and scented herbs - every night a servant changed them as well as the flowers in the bowls. Closing his eyes again Persephonos revelled in the scent of mint, thyme and blooming roses. In crystal goblets, gems and diamonds cast coloured sparkles that seemed to dance on the walls like butterflies.
Aidoneos does this for me, he thought with a touch of pride and some amusement. The dark fearful God of the Dead goes to such lengths for me only.
Zeus of the Departed