Baltimore 1972 by Saundra Mitchell

Feb 29, 2004 12:26

author on lj: unknown
Author's website:: Mitchell is a main contributor over at the autofocus archive
Pairing: None/gen
Summary: A day in the life of sixth-grader Tim Bayliss
Why this must be read: My summary doesn't do it justice. In the hands of a lesser writer this could be so much badfic, but Mitchell's eye for schoolyard detail, and a real sense of how "the child is the father of the man" make this a pleasure to read. Mitchell does an excellent job foreshadowing Tim's later conflicts. Speaking of pleasures, it's been a real pleasure driving for you this month.Thanks.

Shut up, Jim, Tim thought desperately, hoping his father wouldn't see through that line of baloney. Jim had terminal diarrhea of the mouth--you couldn't tell him anything without it coming back to haunt you. He was a lousy liar, especially with a simple lie. He just kept embroidering and finessing till even the truth sounded like bullshit.

homicide, fanfic

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