Flesh Mechanic by Kel and Lise (R)

Oct 03, 2003 14:07

Previously on Popslash: "You're telling me I came out last night, and that wasn't the lead story on MTV?"

Today on Popslash: Flesh Mechanic (R)

Fandom: Popslash
Pairing: Supremely twisted Chris/Justin (Timbertrick). Chris/Justin as it might appear in a Thomas Harris novel.
Author on LJ: pop_tarts and throughadoor
Author Website: Kel's Songs about the Impossibility of Singing and Lise's Celebrate!
Warning from Author's Website: "Disturbing -- not graphic or gorey -- but disturbing."
Why this must be read: And now for something completely different.

As mentioned in my last post, I recc'ed Remember two days ago because of it's accessibility to newbies. Flesh Mechanic is, in my opinion, an equally accessible story...and that -- along with the fact that it shares a few of the same main characters and is, you know, written in English -- is the most these two fics have in common.

Flesh Mechanic was utterly unique within this fandom at the time it was first posted last year and has been endlessly recc'ed, analyzed, argued over, dismissed, and reclaimed by popslashers since then. My modem hates me for liking this story -- it groans in anguish when I try to upload the pages upon pages of discussion this story has generated over LJ.

It's a story that presents drastically different, extreme characterizations of the *Nsync-ers and delves into questions about the effects of celebrity worship and the nature of fans. It also raises questions about media accuracy, questions about the boundaries of RPF as a genre, and questions about what's really going on with Justin's blindingly white outfits -- all through a creepy, darkly humorous mixture of narrative, faux articles and interviews, images, and some kick-ass html work.

To be any more specific would be to give everything away, so I'll just link you one last time and send you on your way.

The Supporting Cast: Additional Info.
The following people who were not covered in the overview are mentioned in this story:

Lynn (Justin Timberlake's mother)

Wade Robson (choreographer, dancer, and TV show host who was widely rumored to have been the cause of Britney and Justin's break up)

Pharrell Williams (half of The Neptunes and a member of N*E*R*D, produced a number of tracks on Justin's solo album)

No images available:
Beverly (Chris Kirkpatrick's mother)

Monday on Popslash: I'll recc something with actual sex to fulfill the S part of this RPS-based fandom. Promise.

pop slash, fanfic

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