All The Wonder by Astolat (15)

Jul 30, 2006 22:09

Pairing: Aubrey/Maturin
Author on LJ: astolat
Author Website: Shalott's fanfic
Why this must be read:

I've already recommended Shalott, and I am usually picky about making sure not to replicate authors in these things, but this is so good that I absolutely had to make an exception. Every single one of her AU 'Five Things That Never Happened To Aubrey and Maturin' series is worth reading, her riff of potential outcomes of the Jack/Stephen duel in Post Captain made me cry, but this... this is something else.

It's Jack and Stephen in space. And it works.

Really well, too. Seriously. In space, and yet it is beautiful and feels very much like canon. (It even manages to keep the naval geekiness, in a way I really like.) I'll just give you a moment to get over that, because wow, I needed to sit down after reading it just at pure shock that somebody had pulled this off. I also possibly flailed a lot. I'll admit to a predeliction for stories that manage to make me believe in something I would have considered crazy - my appreciation of the skill involved makes me like the story even more - and this one is right at the top of that list for me. It's spectacular. I want a whole series set in this world, dangit. There aren't many fics I'll read more than once, but this is one of them. It is the happy place.

All The Wonder

And with that I leave you. I'm on Good Omens recs next month, but there's no more Master and Commander from me here. I hope you enjoyed them, and that at least one of you feels inspired to write the world some more M&C fanfic. I'm not above begging, people. :D

literary fandoms, master and commander, fanfic

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