Untitled, by scieppan (PG)

Jul 20, 2006 01:26

Pairing: none
Author on LJ: scieppan
Author Website: none that I know of
Why this must be read:

I only just read this, and although it's not much, it's so weirdly perfect that I felt like I just had to rec it. For all that a lot of the Master and Commander world is taken up with sea-battles, all smoke and noise and blood, there are a surprising amount of tiny, peaceful moments too. O'Brian is very good at making those moments count, giving them a weight and a richness that you wouldn't expect, and this is the best illustration of that I've ever seen.

And most of those moments are Stephen's. His introspective streak turns occasions quiet anyway, but he also needs that quiet more than, say, Jack does. Stephen is the one who wants to stay and watch and be silent where Jack wants to run around and make things blow up. In one book, he lets Jack think he's going off to have sex with some woman, when in fact all he does is sit and watch birds, the whole night through, perfectly content. This fic reminded me of that, and a thousand other tiny reasons I love Stephen: "the great seaman of the world" indeed. It also reminded me of a pool, just cool and still and perfect; the perfect relaxing thing for a heat wave like we've been having lately.


literary fandoms, master and commander, fanfic

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