Paradigm by Sigrid (PG?)

Jul 16, 2005 00:46

Pairing: Jim/Blair
Author on LJ: Not known
Author Website: Here, but it seems to be down
Why this must be read:

This is an interesting look at Blair's life post TSBS, working as a cop, because it's one thing to be a part time police observer and another thing entirely to be a full time cop. The story begins with one of Blair's cases going south while Jim is out of town at a conference, and then details the fallout over the next few days.

Blair arrived to see Tisha and Trevor sitting huddled against the Bentons, their foster parents, on a bench outside the courtroom. Tisha smiled unhappily in Blair's direction, but as Blair moved forward to say hello, he was waved away by Mrs. Benton. Reluctantly Blair took a seat on the opposite bench. What had gone wrong? Had the kid's testimony been disallowed? The defendant, their mother, had tried to claim that it would be too stressful for them, but the judge hadn't bought it. Whatever it was, Blair thought, stealing a glance at the Benton's stressed faces and the miserable expressions on the kids', it wasn't good.

Sighing, he sat and watched as the people passed down the wide hallway, past the busts of judges who stared out, empty-eyed, from the recesses in the walls. Leaning back he tried to relax, find a few minutes of peace. The week had been strangely stressful even without this latest development. He and Jim had worked together full-time for six months now and it felt...odd...not to see the man every time he turned around.

The court doors burst open and Angie emerged, with DA Mendez at her side. To say that they looked pissed was an understatement. But Angie's face softened and she stepped towards the kids and spoke a few quiet words. Mendez tried to get himself under control but was obviously agitated. He kept his distance.

In the quiet, Blair heard Tisha say "When do we get to go back in and tell the real story?"

Holy fucking shit. Blair let his head fell back against the wall with a thud.


the sentinel, fanfic

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