Long-ass meme~ Sumire FAQ

Apr 13, 2010 22:47

1  お名前と生まれ年、観劇歴を教えてください。
 Please tell us your name, age, and your history of being a fan.

A - I'm Sam, aged 19, and I've been a fan for almost 2 years ^^

2  初めて観た公演は何ですか?生観劇ではなく映像でもかまいません。
 What was the first performance you saw? It doesn't have to have been a live show, it could be a video or DVD.

A - Elisabeth 2007 <3

3  ハマるきっかけになった公演は何ですか?
 What was the performance that first addicted you?

A - Once again, Elisabeth 2007~ I watched it once, and I had to watch it again. And again and again, and then I watched other shows and got totally addicted <3

4  宝塚ファン人生における「初恋の人」はどなたですか?
 Who is the "first love" that lead you to becoming a Takarazuka fan?

A - Mizu Natsuki. I first saw her in Elisabeth and MY GOD that woman is amazing in every sense of the word! She is beautiful, talented, sexy, hot and ALL other things <3 I am in love with her XD There are truly no words to describe how much I admire and respect her, and she is still my "first love".

5  観劇は大劇場メインですか?東宝劇場メインですか?
 Do you mainly go to see shows at the Grand Theater or the Tokyo Theater?

A - I haven't been to any yet, BUT next year will change things >D

6  ご贔屓男役さんを教えてください。複数可。
 Please tell us the otokoyaku you prefer. More than one is okay.

A - Oh no, long list will be long XD

First and foremost, my lovelies from Yukigumi. They are my troupe, and will always be my troupe, no matter how much it changes after the next lot of retirements (which I am still devastated about T_T ). Mizu Natsuki, Ayabuki Mao, Saou Kurama, Ozuki Tooma, Sagiri Seina, Daigo Seshiru, Renjou Makoto~ Others are Matobu Sei, Sou Kazuho, Aine Harei, Hanagata Hikaru, Mano Sugata, Seijou Kaitou, Ryu Masaki, Asumi Rio, Shimon Yuriya, Suzumi Shio, Yuzuki Reon, Ouki Kaname, Yumeno Seika, Kurenai Yuzuru, Makaze Suzuho, Oozora Yuuhi, Yuumi Hiro, Hokushou Kairi, Nagina Ruumi.

I'm sure there's more XD

7  ご贔屓娘役さんを教えてください。複数可。
 Please tell us the musumeyaku you prefer. More than one is okay.

A - Itsumine Aki, Miho Keiko, Manaka Ayu, Yumesaki Nene, Shirahana Remi, Hanakage Arisu, Sakura Ichika, Ootsuki Sayu~

8  好きな芝居作品は?3個くらいまでなら複数可。
 What musicals do you like? Up to three is okay.

A - 3? Thats it? Alrighty... Elisabeth, Scarlet Pimpernel, and Brothers Karamazov~

9  好きなショー作品は?3個くらいまでなら複数可。
 What revue shows do you like? Up to three is okay.

A - King Solomon's Ring, Miroirs and Fancy Dance ^^

10  今まで観た中でいちばん「チケット代返してよ!」と思った作品は?実名でどうぞ。
 Which performance made you think, "Give me my money back!" as you were watching it?

A - None of them yet XD Though the one that I watch the least is Appartement Cinema~ its really REALLY good, but you need to be in the mood to watch it otherwise it kind of drags on >>

11  ご贔屓以外で今いちばん気になる生徒さんは誰ですか?
 Outside of the ones you prefer, which seito is on your mind the most right now?

A - I... can't think of anyone XD

12  いわゆる路線外で、大好きな生徒さんはどなたですか?複数可。
 Of the ones NOT star-tracked, so to speak, which seito do you like? More than one is okay.

A - Shimon Yuriya. I've seen her in a couple of Graphs, and she's starting to get bigger roles in shinko's now (OMG CHAUVELIN!) so I'm hoping she'll be getting star-tracked soon!

13  お好みの「おじさま系上級生」を教えてください。
 Please tell us which of the "avuncular type upperclassman" do you like?

A - Misa Noeru!! She is AMAZING. She made me want to cosplay Parchester XD

14  お好みの「お姉さま系上級生」を教えてください。
 Please tell us which of the "older sister type upperclassman" do you like?

A - Miho Keiko <3 Her voice is amazing, and she seems really nice!

15  宝塚ファンとしての自分の長所と短所をあげてください。
 Please give us your strong point and weak point as a Takarazuka fan.

A - Strong point = I am obsessive and emotional and supportive when it comes to my babies and my troupes (those being Snow, Flower and Star), and I spend a hell of a lot on DVDs, top star goods, photos etc XD Weak point = I spend so much I can't afford a trip to Japan to see my lovelies live until next year XD But WE'LL GET THERE~

16  宝塚ファン人生における最大の自慢は?
 What's your greatest boast as a Takarazuka fan?

A - That I bought L'Occitane stuff and wrote a letter and sent them to Ayabuki Mao ^^

17  宝塚ファン人生における最大の懺悔は?言える範囲でどうぞ。
 What's your greatest confession as a Takarazuka fan? Feel free to elaborate.

A - That I am in love with Mizu Natsuki-san xD People already now this, but whatever lol. And also, when I found out about her retirement I cried for 3 days and wore black >>

18  再演してほしい芝居はありますか?
 Is there a musical you wish they would put on again?

A - Elisabeth, obviously XD And uh... Singin' In The Rain, with Koma in the lead!

19  再演してほしいショーはありますか?
 Is there a revue show you wish they would put on again?

A - Fancy Dance! Only this time, in Soragumi so Yuuhi would be in it again <3

20  あなたがファンになる生徒さんの傾向を分析してみてください。
 Please try and analyze the kind of seito you're inclined to become a fan of.

A - I seem to become a fan of seito's who have played Der Tod, whether it be shinko or main cast XD (Mizu, Saeko, Koma, Mirio etc), but also the cool and sexy types, such as Yuuhi XD

21  黒エンビが今いちばん似合うのは誰だと思いますか?
 Whom do you think is currently best suited to a black tailcoat?

A - This question is hard! I'm going to say... Yuuhi. Because every time I've seen Yuuhi in a black tailcoat, she makes me melt inside <3

22  「主演男役」という言葉を実際に使っていますか?
 Do you ever actually use the words "lead otokoyaku"?

A - Only if I'm talking about a Bow Hall or something~ I generally use the term "Top Star" XD

23  轟悠さんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Todoroki Yuu.

A - Tom is AMAZING, to put it simply. I think she, as well as Mizu, is the definition of Otokoyaku. And I wonder why I'm still not a big fan of her XD

24  路線男役の条件って何でしょうね?
 What do you think are requirements for a star-tracked otokoyaku?

A - Someone with potential, fitness, physical and emotionally strong, with personality and talent!

25  路線娘役の条件って何でしょうね?
 What do you think are requirements for a star-tracked musumeyaku?

A - A star-tracked musumeyaku has to have elegance and be able to match with their partner~

26  柚希礼音さんはどうですか?
 What do you think of Yuzuki Reon?

A - I adore Chie <3 I love how beautiful and hot she is, the way she moves, how she sings, how she talks, how she carries herself, EVERYTHING. I totally adore her in every way!

27  ゆうあやねコンビはどうですか?
 What do you think of the Yuu-Ayane combination?

A - To be honest I don't really think much of Yuu and Ayane as a combi. Sure, they look amazing together, and they have good chemistry, but Ayane had better chemistry with Osa.

28  では、ちえねねコンビは?
 Well then, what about the Chie-Nene combination?

A - I am a new Hoshigumi fan, so I will say that from what I have seen, I love these two together <3

29  この人の芸名カッコイイ!と思うのは?
 What do you think is the coolest stage name?

A - Yuzuki Reon. It's just so cool! XD

30  「現役時代を見たかった!」と思うOGさんはいますか?
 Is there an OG whom you wish you could have seen when she was a current seito?

A - Ayaki Nao, DEFINITELY. I wish I'd seen her live as Tod. I think I' might've died XD Also, Kazu Ryoka, Tatsuki You, Haruno Sumire, Sena Jun, Shirahane Yuri, etc.

31  「あのとき退団しなければ今頃は…」と思う生徒さんっていますよね?それは誰?
 Is there someone you think: "They didn't retire last time, but this time..."? Who is it?

A - Not really, but I am in a constant state of worry over all my babies. T_T Actually, I am worried about Koma this time. And Kitarou T_T

32  彩吹真央さんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Ayabuki Mao.

A - I really do adore Yumiko. I told her so in my letter XD I told her that I love her and respect her, that I wish I had the chance to see her on the Takarazuka stage, because her passion and talent inspires me and fills me with a nice warm fuzzy feeling. And her voice = <3

33  在団中の90期娘役の中からイチオシを選ぶとしたら誰ですか?
 If you had to select a current musumeyaku from the 90th class to recommend, whom would it be?

A - Aono Yuki! But then again, she's already Top musume XD

34  れみ派?せいこ派?
 Are you more partial to Remi's style, or Seiko's?

A - Remi! <3

35  「その舞台化粧今すぐどうにかしてください!」と思う人っていますよね?それは誰?
 Is there someone whom you want to ask to improve their stage makeup? Who?

A - Nah XD

36  涼紫央さんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Suzumi Shio.

A - Toyoko first caught my attention when I saw her in Scarlet Pimpernel as Sir Andrew Ffoulkes. I thought "My god, she's amazing! How have I not noticed Toyoko's talent before?" and then I remembered I'm fairly new to Hoshigumi and all their pretty Siennes XD

37  青樹泉さんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Aoki Izumi.

A - I do love Morie, she is adorable and so talented! But I don't really follow the current Tsukigumi as much as I did in the Asako years, so... I don't really have much to say xD

38  「もっと使われてもいいはずなのにちっとも報われてない!」とあなたが思う生徒さんを教えてください。
 Please tell us about a seito you think should be used more, but gets no recognition.

A - Renjou Makoto-chan. She seemed to be getting pushed in 2007-2008, when she was getting big roles in Silver Rose Chronicle and None None Sugar, but now... not so much. She is still getting lead roles in shinko's though so yay! ^^

39  いま「劇団の秘蔵っ子」と言ったら誰を連想しますか?
 If I said "someone treasured by the company", whom would you associate that with?

A - Mizu Natsuki. She is a treasure ;D

40  あなたにとってのベストエトワールはどなた?
 Whom do you consider the best etoile?

A - Haruka Midori~ and also, Izumo Aya. That woman can SIIIING~ she's awesome ^^

41  「歌えない」or「踊れない」or「芝居ができない」、この中で一番不利だと思うのは?
 "She can't sing", "she can't dance", "she can't act", which do you consider the biggest handicap?

A - "She can't act". Dancing and singing are important too, but how can 'Siennes convey a story in a show if they can't act? They can't. So acting is the most important~

42  蘭寿とむさんについて何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Ranju Tomu.

A - I love Tomu, yet she's not really on my Zuka radar >> And she deserves to be Top, because she has been nibante for aaaages now and she has amazing talent and Top Star potential. Just... Yuuhi, please don't retire yet okay? XD

43  あなたが考える「男役トップスターの理想的な任期」ってどれくらいですか?
 What do you think is the preferred amount of time for a top star to hold that position?

A - 3-4 years. I think after a while, a Top Star gets to a certain high point in their career, and after that happens they tend to get the same roles over and over.

44  好きな劇作家とその先生のマイベスト作品を教えてください。2人くらいまで。
 Please tell us who your favorite musical playwright is, and which of their works you like most. Up to two people is okay.

A - Koike Shuuichirou-san! I love LOTS of his works~ Scarlet Pimpernel, Casablanca, Elisabeth, Legend, Legend II, Adieu Marseille, Seal of Roses, The Great Gatsby etc~ but he did ALL the Elisabeth's. That makes him the best playwright/director ever! XD

45  好きなショー作家とその先生のマイベスト作品を教えてください。2人くらいまで。
 Please tell us who your favorite revue playwright is, and which of their works you like most. Up to two people is okay.

A - I... have no idea XD

46  着てみたい衣装ってありますよね?
 Is there a costume you'd like to try on?

A - There's a LOT. Berubara costumes, Tod costumes, Damduk costumes, Miroirs costumes, Top Star feathers, Chauvelin costumes XD

47  あなたの好きな宝塚の楽曲を教えてください。3曲くらいまで。
 Please tell us your favorite Takarazuka tune. Up to three is okay.

A - 'Saigo no Dance" from Elisabeth, "Madame Guillotine" from Scarlet Pimpernel, and "Fancy Dance" from Fancy Dance xD

48  ダンサーと言えば誰ですか?
 If I say dancer, whom do you think of?

A - Hiromu Kiriya~ she is AMAZING at dancing ^^

49  歌手と言えば誰ですか?
 If I say singer, whom do you think of?

A - Ayabuki Mao, and Saou Kurama. <3

50  役者と言えば誰ですか?
 If I say actress, whom do you think of?

A - Mizu Natsuki~

51  マイベスト植田紳爾作品を教えてください。
 Please tell us what you think is Ueda Shinji's best work.

A - Berubara! <3

52  2005年にやったばかりの月組「エリザベート」を2009にも再演しました。実際のところどうですか?
 Although Moon Troupe just performed "Elisabeth" in 2005, they revived it again in 2009. What do you really think of that?

A - As a huge fangirl of everything Elisabeth, I was so SO happy about 2009 Elisabeth~ And it was brilliant! <3 It made me love Sena Jun even more than I did before~

53  マイベスト柴田侑宏作品を教えてください。
 Please tell us what you think is Shibata Yukihiro's best work.

A - Utakata no Koi <3

54  小池作品について何かコメントを。
 Some comments on Koike's works.

A - I love a LOT of his works~ he's probably my favourite playwright/director ^^

55  「エリザベート」は何組バージョンが好きですか?
 Which troupe's version of Elisabeth do you like?

A - Yukigumi's 2007 Elisabeth is my favourite~ I also love 2005 Tsukigumi Elisabeth <3

56  宝塚に外部スタッフとして招きたい人がいたら教えてください。実現可能性は問いません。
 Is there some staff from outside of Takarazuka that you'd like to work there? It doesn't matter how feasible it is.

A - This sounds stupid, but Mate Kamaras who played Tod XDD

57  宝塚で舞台化してほしい原作モノ(小説・映画・歴史上の人物etc)はありますか?
 Is there an original work (novel, movie, historical person) that you'd like to see turned into a Takarazuka performance?

 If you have a cast in mind, add that too.

A - I want to see more stuff about the Reign of Terror and the French Revolution~ As if Berubara and Scarlet Pimpernel weren't enough XDD Like... a Bow Hall about Louis de Saint-Just and Robespierre... With Saou Kurama as Saint-Just and Renjou Makoto as Robespierre XD

Also, Tanz der Vampire! Mizu would've made an amazing Graf Von Krolock~ Yumiko would've been Alfred the love interest, Kimu would've been Herbert, the gay vampire son, and Misa Noeru as Albronsius the professor XD And Mika as Sarah.

58  植田景子作品は好きですか?
 Do you like Ueda Keiko's works?

A - Last Party, Romeo and Juliet '99, Hollywood Lover, Datenshi, Habsburg no Houken, Paradise Prince, Maihime... I LOVE THIS PERSON XD

59  齋藤作品はどうですか?
 What do you think of Saitou's works?

A - Love! <3

60  では、木村作品は?
 Well then, what about Kimura's?

A - Again, LOVE xD

61  あなたにとっての宝塚ベストヒーローはどの作品のどのキャラクター?
 Which character from which performance do you think is the best Takarazuka hero?

A - Sir Percy Blakeney from Scarlet Pimpernel~ he's awesome! XD

62  では、ベストヒロインはどの作品のどのキャラクター?
 Well then, what about the best heroine?


63  5年後の男役トップスターを5名予想してください。
 Predict the five top stars in five years.

 We don't know who will be in which troupe in five years, so troupe doesn't matter.

A - I wanna say Miwacchi, but she'll probably retire before then T_T soooooo: Ouki Kaname, Sou Kazuho, Otozuki Kei, Ranju Tomu OR Hokushou Kairi, Ryu Masaki~

64  観劇は友達と?ひとりで?
 Do you go to performances with friends or alone?

A - I haven't been to one yet, but when I do, I'll go with friends~

65  観劇友達は多い方ですか?
 Do you have a lot of friends who go to shows?

A - Yep *jealousrage* XD

66  入り・出待ちってどうですか?
 What do you think of irimachi and demachi?

A - I'm really excited to experience it myself! 'Specially since I'm planning on joining a club~

67  お茶会は好きですか?
 Do you like ochakai?

A - They sound awesome and fun! ARGH I will definitely go to some~

68  FCの会服について一言どうぞ。
 Feel free to say something about fan club uniforms.

A - I will buy every bit of Koma clubwear XD

69  「歌劇」について何かコメントを。
 A comment about "Kageki".

A - I likes Kageki's~ I need more XD

70  「宝塚GRAPH」について何かコメントを。
 A comment about "Takarazuka Graph".

A - I am addicted to buying Graphs XDDDD Now I have pretty posters of Yuu, Yuuhi, Yumiko and Mizu on my walls XD

71  キャトルレーヴはよく使う?
 Do you use Quatre Reves often?

A - Yep! All thanks to a friend in Japan who picks things up for me XD

72  キャトルレーヴにあったらいいな、と思うグッズは何ですか?
 What goods would you like to see at Quatre Reves?

A - Nibante shirts. I want a Teru one! Also, more personal books!

73  宝塚アンに行ったことはありますか?
 Have you ever been to Takarazuka-an?

A - Not yet!

74  ついつい見てしまうお気に入りビデオは何ですか?
 Is there a video you saw against your better judgment and liked?

A - I have one word... ACHE XD

75  部屋を占領するビデオやプログラム、いつもどうしてますか?
 What do you do with your videos and programs in your room?

A - I keep all my mooks, programs, postcards, pocket calandars, personal books, photobooks, Graphs and Kageki's together in a big QR bag XD I keep my Yuu-kun bag hung on my door, my DVD's beside my QR bag, my Yuu shirt in my wardrobe and my Yuu blanket on my bed XD And my calendar, chirashi's and posters are on my walls XD

76  劇場近辺のオススメ飲食店を教えてください。
 Please tell us a restaurant around the theaters that you recommend.

A - I don't know yet... but OMG Sky Stage cafe... WANT XD

77  プレミアつきのチケットに手を出したことはありますか?言える範囲でどうぞ。
 Have you ever paid premium prices for sold-out tickets? Feel free to elaborate.

A - Not bought any tickets yet.

78  劇団公式サイトに一言どうぞ。
 Feel free to say something about the Takarazuka Home Page.

A - I tend to visit the Sky Stage site more than the homepage~ XD

79  スカイステージは見てますか?
 Do you watch Sky Stage?


80  第1、第2シリーズのパーソナルブックは揃えましたか?
 Do you have the first, second, or third series of personal books?

 Please tell us the purchasing circumstances, or why or why not you bought them.

A - I have Yumiko's 2007 personal book~ I bought it last year from YesAsia~

81  娘役さんのギャル系ファッションについてご意見をどうぞ。
 What's your opinion on the girlish fashion of musumeyaku?

A - I think they look pretteh~ XD

82  男役さんのオフポート、あまりフェミニンなのは困りますか?
 Is it a problem if otokoyaku are overly feminine in off-stage portrait photos?

A - It doesn't really bother me XD I think the girliest Otokoyaku off-stage is Koma, but she is the cutest thing ever <3

83  白状すると、ご贔屓が違う観劇友達と話をするのは疲れますか?
 Confess, if you're talking with a friend about a play without seito you support, are you bored?

A - I don't think we ever talk about shows without seito I love XD

84  「男役の色気」って何でしょうね?
 What is the "sexiness of otokoyaku"?

A - The aura of hotness and pure amazingness they give off XD

85  Are you partial to the TakaWiki or to Takarazuka blogdom?

A - Of course! I am a member of the YuMizu community on LJ, I am a member on other LJ Zuka communities, I use Takawiki every day for updates, and I occasionally check OG blogs such as Shirosaki Ai-chan's, Izumo Aya's, and Shirahane Yuri's~

86  そこで思わずネットバトルに参戦してしまったり?
 Have you gotten caught up in any internet conflicts?

A - Within the Zuka fandom, no. Outside of the Zuka fandom, plenty of times.

87  Do you prefer not to think of the Takarazuka Revue as a business?

A - I tend to just think of it as a world of shiny sparkly goodness filled with amazing actresses~ but yeah, the whole business aspect of it does pop into my head occasionally XD

88  「宝塚→ビアン虎の穴」と連想する非ヅカファンに一言どうぞ。
 What do you think of non-zuka fans who associate Takarazuka with a lesbian tiger pit?

A - I think they should do their research instead of being narrow-minded. It sometimes does get to me that people judge Takarazuka when they have no idea how the company works, or how ANY of it works.

89  宝塚ファンだということを会社や学校でカミングアウト済み?
 Have you come out as a Takarazuka fan at work or school?

A - Not really XD

90  全くのドシロウトさんに「宝塚ってどうよ?」と言われたら何て切り返す?
 If a complete beginner asked you "What's so great about Takarazuka?" how would you reply?

A -
Takarazuka is unique, and it is incredibly special. 'Siennes work so SO hard, even just to get onto the Takarazuka stage, and it takes a LOT of talent for them to make it to the top. It's not standard theatre - they are the best of the best.

91  宝塚に対して「萌え~」って言うのはアリですか?
 Have you ever used the term "infatuation" in regards to Takarazuka?

A - More like "infatuated with a Sienne" XD

92  宝塚にハマっていることが原因で実生活の男性観が歪むことはありますか?
 Has your love for Takarazuka ever slanted your perceptions of men in your real life?

A - Honestly, yes... Otokoyaku are superior now xD

93  宝塚ファンとして「戻れないところまで来ちゃったな」と思った瞬間は?
 Have you ever had an instant as a fan where you thought: "I've gone past the point of no return?"

A - When I realised just how much money I've spent on the fandom XD

94  「痛いファン」ってどんな人でしょうね?
 What kind of person is an "excessive fan"?

A - An excessive fan, to me, is someone who goes over the top to let others know how big of a fan they are. And that annoys me.

95  男性の宝塚ファンをどう思いますか?
 What do you think of men being Takarazuka fans?

A - I think it's awesome xD Although the Zuka fandom is 90% female, it's nice to know that men appreciate it too xD

96  「オールドファン」の定義を教えてください。
 Please tell us your definition of an "old fan".

A - An old fan is a devoted fan who has followed Takarazuka for years and years, and I think that is beautiful ^^

97  宝塚ファンとして絶対にしてはいけないことは何だと思いますか?
 What do you think is something that Takarazuka fans must not do?

A - Be disrespectful to the actresses, their clubs and staff etc. That is WRONG! Dx

98  宝塚ファンをやめるとしたらどんなときですか?
 What would cause you to stop being a Takarazuka fan?

A - Nothing. Even if the worst happens and Takarazuka closes, I will still be a fan, no matter what.

99  もし、自分に娘が生まれたら宝塚に入れたい?
 If you had a daughter, would you want her to enter Takarazuka?

A - Yep!

100  最後の質問。あなたにとって宝塚とは?「夢の世界」以外のお答えをどうぞ。
 Last question. What is Takarazuka to you? Please answer with something other than "a world of dreams".

A - Takarazuka, to me, is a way of life for me. I can't imagine my life without this fandom now. It brings me more happiness than any other fandom, and I can't explain how much I respect and love it. <3
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