First/Last Meme thingy~

Sep 09, 2010 12:48

Taken from tsuki_in_sora , because I was bored |D


☆First sienne you ever saw (includes photos)
Hmm... Otozuki Kei! As Lucheni! |D

☆Last sienne you saw (includes photos)
Ayaki Nao (I flicked through her memorial book this morning hahah.)

☆The first stage name you knew
Mizu Natsuki.

☆Your favorite stage name
Matobu Sei.

☆The first show you saw live [Or if none, on DVD]
First live show will be Romeo et Juliette in January! First show I saw on DVD was 2007 Elisabeth.

☆The last show you saw live [Or if none, on DVD]
Technically the last live show I will see next year will be FWTBT, but on DVD = Seal of Roses.

☆The first clip you watched online
A clip from 2007 Elisabeth. Which got me hooked <3

☆The last clip you watched online
Does ACHE count? >>

☆The first goods you bought
Elisabeth 2009 program. When it was first released XD

☆The last goods you bought
Yuzuki Reon and Makaze Suzuho 2010 bookmarks, and the Habsburgs/Bolero program. Does club fees count?

☆Your first star
Mizu Natsuki.

☆Your current star
Mizu Natsuki (and Makaze Suzuho!)

☆The first Takarazuka song to get stuck in your head
Chika-san singing Ai to Shi no Rondo~

☆The last Takarazuka song to get stuck in your head
Tomu and Sumika's duet from Scout (I don't remember the name hahahah.)

ranju tomu, japan, elisabeth, seal of roses, r&j, mizu natsuki, scout, makaze suzuho, ache, ayak inao, nono sumika, matobu sei, yuzuki reon, otozuki kei

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