Sep 04, 2010 19:13
The drawing of Chie I am working on at the moment is proving to be a LOT harder than I thought! It has taken me 4 tries in order to get Chie to LOOK like Chie (the first 2 attempts ended up looking like Matobun, while the third attempt ended up looking like Kitarou hahahah). Now I'm trying to decide on a hairstyle... and then... the dreaded moment when Sam attempts to recreate the RED DRESS. Yep. You heard me correctly :P
In other news, I am just waiting to get my member card from the club~ whilst angsting over how much I spent on fees plus shinies this time -bangs head against Chie picture- |D
Also, the Hakataza raku R&J video... HOW AWESOME IS EET? I keep watching it like, every day |D mainly for my girl being all dark and sexy as Death, Beni's shockface death scene and Kaname's RAWRFACE death scene XD Gotta love the end speeches and the little reprise of Les Rois du Monde too <3 SO CUTE.
Speaking of R&J, I FOUND AFFORDABLE FLIGHTS FOR JANUARY~ Look out Yukigumi, Sam is coming to flirt with your otokoyaku! (or maybe just Koma... she likes ze flirting) |DD
makaze suzuho,
kurenai yuzuru,
yuzuki reon,
ouki kaname