Wednesday: Dean/Castiel

Apr 30, 2014 00:31


needsmoreyellow | Unrated (G?) | geek!Dean
The first time Dean kisses Cas, Cas doesn’t even know it’s happened.
Sweet bit of fluff showcasing some canon geekery from Dean.


buckybaarnes | Unrated (Explicit) | top!Dean, lace!kink
Reccer’s summary: Castiel really doesn’t understand why Dean wants him to wear these.
Short but hot and sweet.


thestoryinsideme | Mature | Post 9x09 canon-divergent
Newly re-angeled, Castiel strengthens and deepens his vastly different relationships with each of the Winchester brothers, and finds that despite his new status, he can't quite shake his humanity. While working toward returning the fallen angels to Heaven, Castiel must face the consequences of stealing the grace of another angel.
This post-Holy Terror fic is plotty and thoughtful with some very interesting ideas about why it was Castiel’s grace that Metatron needed, and how the spell can be reversed. Don’t miss the “timestamp” short, Driving Instructions to find out how Cas learned to drive and what Nora made of “Steve.”


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