Tuesday - Real Person Fiction

Mar 30, 2011 02:46

Run for cover
deirdre_c | R | Set in S6
Jensen has a favorite blanket that Jared intends to keep.
A delightfully funny and schmoopy story, and the author handles the current aspects of the boys' real life well.

Think It's Time To Give This Game A Ride
zuben_eschamali | R | AU
College is over, and Jensen and Jared are on a summer road trip hitting all the baseball stadiums across the country. For Jensen, it's his last chance to spend time with his best friend and the guy he's been crushing on for years, but that might not be all…
Sweet, but never saccharine. Evocative atmosphere and an organic evolution of a friendship that becomes more.

this love is no accident
__tiana__ | R | AU.
Jensen hates mornings, loves coffee, and thought he knew how he felt about Jared right up until he overheard Jared on the phone.
Both Jared and Jensen are adorably sort of clueless, each in their own way.

real person fiction

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