Meme things

Nov 19, 2007 19:30

Shiny new icon from Amiko, which I will stare at until I am inspired to write. >>;

One ganked from Stace S, the other from......... nowhere.

The Ships Meme

Six Ships I Like:
1. Crawford/Schuldig (Weiß Kreuz)
2. Schuldig/Farfarello (WK)
3. Farfarello/Crawford (WK)
4. Schuldig/Aya-chan (WK)
5. Farf/Aya-chan (WK)
6. Kyouya/Tamaki (Ouran)

Three Ships I’ve Abandoned:
7. Crawford/Ran (WK)
8. Schuldig/Ken (WK)
9. Aya/Ken (WK)

Three Ships I’ve Never Liked:
10. Omi/Nagi (WK)
11. Mori/Hunny (Ouran)
12. Quatre/Trowa (GW)

Two Ships That Have Piqued My Interest:
13. Schuldig/Tot
14. Schuldig/Sakura

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Mori/Hunny)
Because, to put it very simply, Hunny acts like a f-ing 2-year old. I can't get excited or at all interested in a pairing like that.

2. Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Schuldig/Tot)
Uhh.. I'm not entirely sure. If someone does, please tell me. We'll take over the world together.

3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Farfarello/Crawford)
If these two are together, it's ideal. They could be arguing, ignoring each other, fucking, I don't care. In my head, they're both alpha males with control issues, and that makes everything good.

4. Which is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one. (Crawford/Schuldig)
It'd have to be from Gluhen, but I don't know the numbers anymore. The one where they're up on the rooftop together.

5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Kyouya/Tamaki)
Not toooo long, just.. ever since I first watched Ouran. Who knows when that was.

6. What’s the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Schuldig/Ken)
Don't get me wrong, because I still like them together. I've just.. lost interest. I've written them in a way that I'm really happy with, so I honestly have no reason to touch them again. They're finished, in my head. They're one of the few couples I can actually say that about.

7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Schu/Farfarello or Schu/Aya-chan)
Two! Farfarello kicks Aya-chan's ass any day.

8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Omi/Nagi or Quatre/Trowa)
I don't hate them enough to make them non-existent. I just … don't like them.

9. What interests you about #14? (Schuldig/Sakura)
Nothing should, I know. Canonically, it would be a terrible relationship. He was just too crass/abusive towards her in the show, so it would take a lot for them to end up together with it consensual on both sides. But it still makes me think. There's potential there. It's completely different from Schwarz-Weiß pairings once you start pairing them up with the girls. I would love to see Sakura totally destroy Schuldig. ^_^

10. When did you stop liking #7? (Crawford/Ran)
There was no going back once I started shipping Crawford/Schuldig. Ran just can't compare.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Aya/Ken)
Were Aya and Ken in the show?
Just kidding.
No, not at all. I was so busy drooling over Farfarello and Schuldig that they didn't matter.

12. What’s a song that reminds you of #5? (Farf/Aya-chan)
"Building a Mystery". I blame that on Amiko.

13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
Crawford/Schuldig. It's got lasting power.

14. Which do you dislike the most?
Quatre/Trowa, just because Gundam Wing is such a low-level interest. I only care about the show at all because Amiko writes fics for it.

15. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (Even better if they’re from different shows.)
Schuldig/Farfarello and Kyouya/Tamaki. Just because I would love to see Schuldig and Farfarello's reactions to Tamaki. It would be fucking priceless. o___o I'm currently trying to talk Amiko into writing a crossover where Schwarz is hired by Kyouya's father, just so I can see those four interact. AHAHAHA.

16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you’d like. (Schuldig/Farfarello)
No. ;_;

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn’t ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Schuldig/Aya-chan)
Um, they both survived. Does that count?

18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Schuldig/Sakura)
A really well written fic that doesn't hide from how ugly Schuldig really is.

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Schuldig/Farfarello or Kyouya/Tamaki)
Neither! These are the pairings that I love because they're not in the series. As much as I would like to see them make out, it takes things away from the series and the fic authors. Schu/Farf would be less damaging to the series as a whole and I'd be forced to ship Crawford/Schuldig/Farfarello (oh no, how terrible >XD ) to make it more canon, so I guess that one. But I'd be sad if Kyouya kissed Tamaki within the Ouran series. I like Haruhi.

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Omi/Nagi)
Rocks fall, everyone dies.
Eh, not really, I suppose. I could only ship them in a Gluhen/post-Gluhen world, I guess, when they're both stronger personalities. If it's then, then my power says they do well together.

The Fic Writers' Meme

A little meme for writers---or readers, if they can twist the questions enough to answer from a reader's perspective. Something to do when you're bored, or whatnot. Try not to use the same fic twice!

The Goods:

1. The fic you're happiest with, relationship-wise:
Sing for the Moment, I think, because the story I want to list here (The Reason) is used to answer another question. I really like odd, unexpected couples, so putting Crawford & Kudou together was a fun exercise. I just liked the way they worked out, even if the rest of the story wasn't anywhere near perfect.

2. The fic you're happiest with, plot-wise:
Alles Schwarz. Not the arc, because I have a severe love-hate relationship with books 2-4, but the first book, Alles Schwarz. I don't even know why it ranks here. I just know that I loved working with Crawford one-on-one. Getting to write him as someone other than Schwarz's Oracle was amazingly fun. The plot still had issues, but I liked it.

3. The fic in which you're most happy with the characterizations:
The Reason. I'm not entirely sure why; I just know that it's one of the few fics I can reread months later and go "Yeah, I did that right, for once". I'm happy with all of it.

4. The fic you didn't expect to have so much fun with:
P.O.D.: Payment on Delivery. This fic was supposed to be something entirely different, and then it went from a simple prank to a mafia story. It was grand fun, even though it was hell on earth trying to keep the people and their roles straight in my head.

5. The fic that was the hardest to walk away from:
Gunning Down Romance. That one took months to get out of my head. When I reread it these days, I don't understand why, but when I wrote it, it took a lot out of me. Now it's dulled to distant affection.

6. The fic you (secretly) wish everyone would read:
SNAFU, just because it amused the ever-living fuck out of me to write it.

The Bads:

1. The fic you wish you'd never written:
Imprisoned Freedom. I hate, hate, hate this story.

2. The fic you wish no one knew you'd written:
Temporary Peace. This fic embarrasses me with its characterization. It's just so bad

3. The fic you wish you could rewrite, because it should have been better:
Alice. I had really high hopes for it, but it fell short in the end. I really liked the plot and the story and the idea, but I didn't quite get it where I wanted it to be. If I could take a hammer to it and fix the characterization issues (and take out the whole "EVERYONE IS GAY" theme), I would be so much happier with it.

4. The fic that seriously disappointed you:
The Better Cat. I don't know what happened there, but I definitely lost the story before it even started. It's terrible. ((For the record, it's been sitting in a basket that says "Rewrite This" for years, and now and then Zanzou-chan reminds me that it's there.))

5. The fic that got the loudest negative reactions:
Vaterunser, I think. I think the people who read that were split evenly in half after the last chapter: those that thought it ended the only way it could, and those that were seriously horrified/disappointed by how it ended. One girl devoted an entire LJ entry to just screaming about it. It was great. >XD

6. The fic that didn't get the reactions you wanted at all:
Gossamer, but it failed because I failed it as a writer. Not a lot of people read it, but most of those that did sided with Schuldig, to the point that more than one person was fussing about the other characters and their "unfair" treatment of him. I never, ever sided with Schuldig in that story, no matter his mental condition. I couldn't forgive him, and I didn't like that the readers could. I should have written it better.

The Hopefuls:

1. The thing you most want to improve on in future fics:
At the moment, what I want to improve on most is my update time. ._.

2. The pairing you most want to write:
Crawford/Schuldig. I know I've written them a lot, but I have yet to write a complicated plot in which I'm completely happy with how they turn out. That's why I keep writing them, is because I can't get them right.

3. The story you most want to write:
Das ewige Dasein- not because I like it (I don't, in fact, like it much at all), but because it's been in-prog for so long that it's just embarrassing.
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