
May 02, 2009 21:50

Title: Pimple

Author: crabbyqtee

Pairing: ShiHanChul
Genre: Humor, Romance.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own them… everyone and everything… so we play dress-up every Saturday night on my command while listening to “Gee”.
Summary: Cinderella wakes up one morning just to find out how his flawless face has become the most imperfect thing he’s ever seen. There’s a horrible, dreadful, THING on him: a pimple.
Notes: It was initially a drabble but I epic fail at life so whatever.

So… the person who said that having sex made your skin clearer was obviously a terrific swindler. He had spent over half of his night humping like a rabbit and there he was, staring blankly at the mirror, at his sudden hideous reflection… unable to understand what was going on in his face. He felt the adrenaline running through the blood in his hands, the urge to start crashing everything surrounding him. Every-fucking-thing.

Oh and on top of it, he was looking great… JUST GREAT! His hair was an absolute mess and he had some hopeless dark circles under his eyes making his prettiness leave to some faraway place. As far away as Hankyung’s bed… because he could have just gone back to sleep between his lovers a little more, but strength had drained out completely from his body… it was way too creepy to give two steps.

Was it really…it? He made his right hand react and drew it closer to his face, afraid. Oh… man, it had been over 10 years since he had hit puberty and left it behind, why? He though all those years of excruciating ugliness were over but the pain when he poked the spot proved him wrong. It was what he was silently praying to Siwon’s GOD not to be… He took a deep breath… and…


He heard (and yes, he could hear stuff around him since he was used to his own yelling) movement in the dorm. Probably also the two man, that had fucked him all night long and were still sleeping, waking up. He suddenly, at the thought of it, felt so envious of both of them and their perfect skin that the shriek just grew louder.

The bathroom’s door went flat open revealing the two men behind it, absolutely naked and scared. Oh well… Hannie had dragged the bed sheet along with him and he was using it to cover his nudity. He LOL’ed mentally at his whipped lovers.

HeeChul’s (because, of course, you already knew it was him) yelling cut off at the sight of so much muscle and smex… he felt pretty happy about how a good time he had had the night before.  Siwon, and because of the painfully sexual gaze he was under, gradually realized he was also undressed and slowly hid behind the chinese man.

-Hyung… are you alright? -asked a shy muscled man apologizing with his hand gestures.

Oh, he had forgotten. Then the humiliation and mental aching went back to him and in a sudden rage burst yelled: -ALRIGHT? Are you kidding me, do you even see this? -and pointed in a bitchy attitude at himself. He rapidly walked to them until his nose was 5 inches close from Hankyung’s.

-What? -asked Hannie, maybe he hadn’t understood, but it sounded as he was asking Heechul what to see.


And of course, he hit him.

Hankyung drew back and got jammed between devil itself and Siwon’s chest. HeeChul just kept on staring like he was about to deep-fry them dead. Could they be so heartless?

-That thing? -asked Siwon, not believing what he was just seeing: a minuscule imperfection, a little red bump in the curve of his nose. He pointed at the tiny thing making Heechul go a little cross-eyed and, eventually, slap his finger away. -Ouch… hyung, make-up will cover it perfectly!

-Don’t worry… -managed Hankyung to say. -Looks are not important…

OMG! Mistake

-WHAT? Looks what? Tell me you just did NOT say that… -he face-palmed himself as he though what a shame that man was. That had been a total offense to his whole mission in life.

-I didn’t? -asked Hankyung.

-Exactly, you didn’t.

-But Hyung, we love you the way you are. -Oh cutie… he even smiled while saying such an absolutely irrelevant statement. Poor Shiwonnie, he had so much to learn.

He kept himself from smiling; they were SO not convincing him with that poor excuse. Do that “looks are not important” crap meant that ALL the time he had spent the night before, looking gorgeous by the time SJ-M arrived at the dorm (to “party” their return from China), had been in vain? Geez, were they complete dorks? They didn’t even realize how much time he had wasted trying to make his stupid short hair look “special”. He even hated his decision of having cut out so much of it for a time period of two hours.  And may he not get started in the whole ‘what-should-I-wear’ issue. For fairy godmother’s sake!

-Please… you’re making me puke.

Didn’t he leave the room and also his lovers speechless and hurt? Yes he did… but, as he didn’t really cared, he still walked away to his room happily thinking about how he would manage to look prettier than ever even with so much make-up on because of that nasty thing on his nose. He wasn’t planning much sleep that night either and he hoped deeply that Shiwonnie and Hannie either… for their own good.

Wait… had he just heard Hankyung going all “aaaah…”? He suddenly stopped his walking and yelled back at the bedroom: -You two are going to pay for this outrage! ¡DON ‘T START WITHOUT ME!

Oh well… the damn pimple could wait a little more… rite?

Have fun.

(pg-13), ~sujurabu, *fanfiction, ot3:shihanchul, ¡bias

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