Feb 09, 2006 02:41
my brother decided to visit the house yesterday, and i was asleep it was about 2 in the afternoon, and he literally threw me out of bed and out the door with my uncharged dead phone, twenty bucks and a pack of gum and called me a lazy ass.
i had no shoes. i was wearing a shirt and shorts which werent appropriate for yesterday because it got cold, and i had to walk to the bus stop to catch a bus out. i have an account at the leagues club because i got hungry, but i wasnt allowed past the front door because i didnt have shoes. i went into westfield and security tried to kick me out because its policy people have to wear shoes.
i realised that i have no idea what anybodys phone numbers are - even the girl i plan to marry next christmas - so i was going through information and managed to get someone else to pick me up and take me to their house.
now i think about it all i did was eat nutella sandwiches and playing playstation but it was pretty cool.
i got home tonight and nobody noticed i was gone and their excuse was 'because my car was still in the driveway' ... its nice to be so appreciated. my family's great