I just tried this. At first I saw it spinning left to right (clockwise), then I thought two plus two is four and it spun right to left (counter-clockwise), then I hummed the verse of "simple Gifts" and it went back to left to right.
That's really weird. When I first looked at it, it was going clockwise (if looking from above), but I couldn't really concentrate on anything else well enough to make it change direction while I continued to look at it directly. This kind of surprises me because I'd have thought that I was naturally and primarily "left brained." Then, as I was reading what you wrote just below the video, it changed direction to go counter-clockwise. After that, it stayed counter-clockwise and wouldn't go back, even though I looked away for awhile at a picture on my calendar* and tried to think of songs. Then, suddenly a picture of a brain popped up on the video and it went back to clockwise. The whole thing is just weird...interesting, but weird.
*Perhaps the picture on the calendar didn't work because it's a picture of cells, which are scientific things?
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*Perhaps the picture on the calendar didn't work because it's a picture of cells, which are scientific things?
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