This is a sequel to my post yesterday and to this post on noscans If you're not up on the latest attempt to make Wonder Woman "edgy" read them first. I say "edgy" and not "realistic" because I'm about to discuss why it doesn't work.
If all the females are having reproductive sex once in their lives and magically all getting pregnant at the same time, BUT 49% of the babies are males (that’s standard) who are discarded, that means the population is shrinking by HALF with every generation. That’s not going to work. Didn’t these men even check their biology before writing this crud?
I solved this problem in my headcanon 30 years ago. The Amazons magically gather unwanted female infants who have been abandoned to die - a horrific practice that occurs throughout the world and even occurred in this country as late as the early 20th Century. That solves the problem elegantly in a way that enhances their reputation instead of diminishing it.