60s haunted house movies + 90s alien conspiracy paranoia + a TARDIS = made of Win.
Hash marks for Silence spotting: and here's Doctor Who giving us another cheap cosplay idea. Thanks guys! (Because you really owe us one after the Weeping Angels.)
So, what, the Doctor scurried around and whispered secret instructions in everyone's ears without the Silence noticing? Didn't we see that already on the Valiant? Hey, reuse those good ideas.
Now how did those things erase the TARDIS memory banks? Of did they?
Logan's Run flashback time! Moffet are you trying to steal from every bad old sci-fi/horror conspiracy movie in the same episode?
(DH the PhD: "If you steal from more than three they can't accuse you of plagiarism!")
And we're at a creepy orphanage that's straight out of several 60s horror movies, including everything Hammer ever did. Dh was squeeing madly over the 60s horror movie special effects shots. They're cheap as hell to shoot, but require a masterful director and camera crew to pull off.
Did you get Count Dracula's permission before you borrowed Mr. Renfrue?
Graffiti again. I swear one of these days Moffet's going to do a story about living, alien graffiti.
*massive cringe* Okay, sorry guys, but you don't get to joke about
Apollo 1. I realize it's a historical faux pas, but no. Just don't go there.
Joking about Nixon and his paranoia, that you can do until the cows come home. And it looks like you probably will.
And we're nicely mixing 90s conspiracy paranoia with 60s horror movie ambiance again, which is good because I have a low tolerance of straight 90s conspiracy paranoia. Although considering that so much of 90s conspiracy paranoia was nothing but a rehash of old 60s and 70s horror and adventure TV shows and movies *cough*X-Files*cough* that's getting a bit incestuous, isn't it? Or maybe getting a bit close to crossing its own time stream?
And speaking of getting a bit incestuous/crossing it's own time stream, that spacesuit looks an awful lot like a Doctor Special, much more so than anything our alien pals could scavenge together. So is the girl a progeny of one/more of Team TARDIS? Or -- and this is the more logical explanation if you think about it -- is she a future incarnation of the Doctor? Because honestly, if she was a boy instead of a girl, isn't that the first thought that would have run through your head? Not going to speculate any more than that right now though. Life's too short to build mountains of fantasy out of molehills of clues.
Sorry, but haven't we seen the "they've already invaded and conquered us" story before? I mean surely all these secret invaders would be tripping over each other by now. And what have they got to show for themselves? So the Silence are really the equivalent of Marvel's Apocalypse or DC's Vandal Savage -- immortal, immensely powerful, and completely useless.
And once again the Doctor doesn't mind a spot of genocide as long as he instigates it.
You realize you just encouraged thousands of children to deconstruct historical footage for fun, Steven. Is this the BBC's educational Good Deed of the Day?
Really impressive use of the correct procedure for firing an automatic weapon while surrounded by enemies, Dr. Song. That's something I only see in fiction about once every 20 years. Most action movies get it wrong.
Quantum pregnancy! Schroedinger's fetus! My first reaction was to giggle hysterically over Moffet's little joke. He's taken the old line, "You can't be a little bit pregnant! You either are or you aren't!" and turned it on its head.
Oh River, my heart is breaking for you. Doctor you have caused this wonderful woman a world of hurt, and most of it you haven't even done yet. You are going to have to be ten times more wonderful to her than you have ever been to anyone ever before to make up for it. And you'd better start soon.
DH: okay, so why can Team TARDIS remember them now?
So, it was funny and scary and tragic in spots and very, very clever. But is anyone besides me starting to get a bit annoyed at all the cleverness? It hasn't happened yet, but I can tell the day is coming when Moffet beating on my head with his clue stick is going to start getting old.
ETA: I have NO BLOODY CLUE why the DW comm stuck a "spoiler' tag on my post because IDK any spoilers at all. I've deliberately stayed spoiler-free this round.