When Hell Came to Our Home Update December 18

Dec 18, 2010 19:46

Master Post

We're back at the Okolona house with the children for the first time since our house was broken into, doing a last email download before changing over the phone.  If you've emailed me recently, please be patient.  It's going to take me a while to go through that mess.

Friday December 10 -- We met with the new lawyer and went over the case.  She was thrilled that we were buying a house.  She showed us the official notice from the psychologist that I was Certified Sane and Not a Danger to Children *TM* (And don't y'all forget it!  :P)  The only remaining issues we all could find were my  middle child's dental records and verification that we weren't living in Chickasaw county anymore.  We'd filed a change of address to Choctaw county, where we were staying with a relative, and both lawyers had informed Chickasaw county DHS of that, but when we'd stopped by Choctaw county DHS they'd never heard of the case.

Our lawyer had no idea if we were going to be in Youth Court Friday December 17.  She said Chickasaw County DHS didn't bother sending out summons to anyone!  All she had was Natasha Ivory asking her, "Are you doing anything Friday?"

Lawyer:  "Is there something I need to do Thursday?"

Natasha Ivory:  *silence*

Personally I think that's grounds for a lawsuit right there, but first thing's first.

Sunday December 12 -- The seller finally agrees to sell the house for the appraised value (instead of the ridiculously high figure they were holding out for, but that's a story for later.)  The bank needs two days to process the last remaining paperwork, and we agree to meet on the morning of Wednesday December 15, the last day all the requisite lawyers and officials can be rounded up before sometime in January (which would do us out of a year's worth of Homestead Exemption.)  We're hoping this clears before Friday's Youth Court deadline, which we still have no confirmation about.

Tuesday December 14 -- While we're out buying kitchen wares for the new house, the manager of Choctaw County DHS visit's our relative's house.  She says she'll be back to check on us tomorrow morning -- at the exact time we need to be at the bank buying the house over an hour and a half's drive away!  But we've got to have this confirmation tomorrow to avoid Friday's Youth Court hearing!  We put her off until the afternoon, which is when we're already scheduled to meet with both sets of subcontractors to discuss the renovations.  Nobody sleeps well that night.

Wednesday December 15 -- We get up early, go to the bank, sign the papers and take possession of the house, then fly back to Choctaw County to meet the manager of Choctaw County DHS.

2:30 she arrives.  I'll have to look up the spelling of her name as I can't remember it offhand.  She was nice and professional, and had trouble reconciling DHS Standard Operating Procedure with what has happened in our case.

"What have you worked on in your Family Team Meetings?"

"What's that?  We've only heard that term once before."

"What do you want to work on in your Family Team Meetings?"

************** "We want the case closed."

She did note that we'd met all the points that had been presented.  She kept wanting to see our updated Individual Service Plan, the one with the vaccination information on it.  We showed her the only ISP we had (which doesn't mention vaccinations), and told her that Chickasaw County had refused our repeated requests to clarify and update the original ISP.  Apparently there is an updated one we haven't seen, though, because she appeared to have seen one that does mention vaccinations.  Interesting.

(We have a family history of allergic reactions to vaccinations, and are delaying the children's vaccinations until they turn 12 so they'll be big enough to handle an adverse reaction should one occur.)

She kept asking when the pictures were taken of our house for the DHS.

"We never allowed pictures to be taken of our house for the DHS.  If there are any pictures they were obtained illegally."

She shut up about the pictures.  So apparently there are pictures which were taken during a break-in in our DHS file.  Interesting.

She took pictures of our relative's house (which pleased our relative none at all), and then my husband had to fly our to meet the subcontractors.  She tried to talk to our daughters privately, but they refused to talk.  Finally she told them, "We're going to get this resolved so you can get back to being kids.  No kid should have to go through this."

She asked very politely if, after all this was over with, I would delete the video of her from my camera as she hated being videoed.

Before she left I asked her to verify our Youth Court appearance.  She called and told me we were scheduled to appear in Chickasaw County Youth Court at the Courthouse Friday December 17 at 9:30 am.

9:30 am!  Shit!

Wait a minute.  Chickasaw is a spit county (has two county seats half an hour's drive apart for historical and geographic reasons).  Did she mean the Houston Courthouse or the Okolona Courthouse?

She called back.  It was the Okolona Courthouse.

*deep breath*  Okay.  I thanked her gratefully for clarifying that, said goodbye to her, and set about figuring out what to do next.

A few minutes later I was told that she was back.  She said that she'd been called back and that it was really the Houston Courthouse.

Houston, Okolona, which was it?  If we guessed wrong we'd automatically be in contempt of court!

"Anna's assistant said Houston.  I'll called Anna back to verify."

"Wait, who's Anna?"

"Anna Brook is the manager of Chickasaw County DHS," she said absently while dialing her cellphone.

"Oh thank you!" I said, so thrilled I was ready to jump up and down (also so cold, as I'd come out without my coat.)  "We've been trying for months to find out who the supervisor is!  Not even our lawyers could find that out!"

"She stared at me, then asked for verification.  She said Chickasaw County was supposed to call her right back with the information.

We waited for 10 minutes while she glared at the phone and I shivered.  Then she told he that she would find out the exact location and type it up on a Choctaw County DHS letterhead and leave it at her office for us to pick up in the morning.  I said goodbye to her again, not expecting to see her anytime soon.

At 6:30 that night she showed back up at our door, handed me a piece of paper, and said, "This should take care of things.  Remember our agreement."  Then she left.

I opened the paper.  It was a letter from her stated that after consulting with Anna Brook, manager of Chickasaw County DHS, we had met all their points and our case was closed.  There were no scheduled court appearances for us anywhere.  I'll post the letter later.

Everyone is thrilled!

Still, my husband and I are waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Lest anyone reading this wonder how any county could be so corrupt, here's last week's headline: Chickasaw jailer arrested for selling drugs to inmates.

personal, harassment

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