When Hell Came to Our Home Update December 4

Dec 04, 2010 20:48

Master Post

I'm uploading a crude hack of the video to youtube right now.  Hopefully it'll be finished by the time I post.

We have new mailing addresses.  We're staying with a relative in Choctaw county and using her address for our personal mail, and we've got a PO Box for our business mail.

DHS refused to believe that our new lawyer was our new lawyer without paperwork, which they delayed mailing to us at our new address so we could sign.  We hand-delivered it yesterday.  They didn't like seeing it back.

The new lawyer informed DHS that according to Mississippi law, NO agency has the right to monitor homeschoolers.  They didn't like hearing that either.

The next part gets really weird.  Our old lawyer was emailing us every day insisting that we tell him where we were staying every single day and night, apparently at the behest of DHS who wanted a continuous update on our E911 address.  We refused.  Our new lawyer is perplexed by our old lawyer's behavior, since even convicted felons don't have to report in that often.   Then they insisted we give them a mailing address.  We gave them our new PO address, but they refused to accept it.  We gave them our relative's address in Choctaw County, but they refused to accept that either, insisting that we were still living in our house in Chickasaw County.

West Chickasaw County DHS insisted that we take the children by Chocktaw County DHS at the beginning of the month so they could see them.  We went Thursday, but Choctaw county DHS had never heard of us and couldn't wrap their brain around why West Chickaway County DHS would insist that children who weren't even living in Chickasaw county report back to Chickasaw county once a month.  When they called West Chickasaw County DHS, they were told to tell us to bring the children up to Okolona on Friday.

Friday we drove the children 90 miles both ways just so West Chickasaw County DHS could see them, but when we got there they ignored the kids and focused on me.  Their only question was had I gotten the mental assessment done?

Then they announced that they were taking us to Youth Court on December17 for not providing them with a mailing address.  When we told them they had our new address, they refused to believe it was valid.  We don't understand this, and neither does our lawyer.

There's been this weird dichotomy since the beginning.  At first they were urging us to go on and move out of the county, so they "wouldn't have to take us before the judge".  Now they're threatening to take us before the judge for moving out of the county.  Nobody we've talked to understands this.

Here's the Election Day video on youtube.

Part 1

Part 2

It's 19 minutes broken into two parts.  I apologize if it's crude, but we did the best we could at the moment.  It gets hard to see and hear when they speak to our children (for their privacy) but it gets really interesting after that.

personal, harassment

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