When Hell Came to Our Home Part 2A

Oct 11, 2010 00:13

Master Post

I haven't talked much about the trailer next door.  Normally I don't think much about it, but with all this trouble coming from that direction I'm reminded that things have been odd over there lately.

It's been abandoned for years, but the week before school starts there's a lot of activity going on over there.  Lots of people in and out ( Read more... )

personal, harassment

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eumenidis October 11 2010, 07:11:46 UTC
I suggest you contact the FBI AND the Southern Poverty Law Center immediately & ask their advice, you may be dealing with some wingnut militia.


bloodrebel333 October 11 2010, 19:20:02 UTC
Seconded. They're breaking into your house (I'm assuming but it feels more like a certainty at this point), they're doing very suspicious things - I think this is way too big for any county lawyer. It's very likely that they're doing very illegal (if not very dangerous) things down there. Plus they scare the shit out of you, abuse their positions (as deputies etc) to make things difficult for you, make you (feel and be) unsafe. And they fucking took your baby once. I'd go crazy if I had a child and someone like that touched her ( ... )


flamingsword October 12 2010, 01:11:30 UTC
If they're trying to discredit her sanity, that may not be the best solution.

However, if you've got access to technology, there are ways around reporting what's going on without anyone being able to make you look like a paranoid schizophrenic. http://reason.com/archives/2010/09/20/how-to-record-the-cops


bloodrebel333 October 12 2010, 11:14:37 UTC
If the police knows the problem they're more likely to believe her. If anything happens and she doesn't call the cops, they'll ask her why she didn't. If they don't believe her when she calls, they're free to come and check.


flamingsword October 12 2010, 17:05:43 UTC
This is logical, but sadly is one of those pieces of logic that works better in theory than in practice. Law enforcement is like a pack of dogs, their mentality is vary us-vs.-them. If Bozo and DHS woman are part of the pack then the burden of proof as far as the cops are concerned is going to be with whoever else is involved.

And since police are trained to be paranoid, they project that onto anyone who has any of the behaviors. If you sound hysterical when you are talking to a policeman, they will discount most of what you say. It's not right, but it's how they work.


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