When Hell Came to Our Home Part 2A

Oct 11, 2010 00:13

Master Post

I haven't talked much about the trailer next door.  Normally I don't think much about it, but with all this trouble coming from that direction I'm reminded that things have been odd over there lately.

It's been abandoned for years, but the week before school starts there's a lot of activity going on over there.  Lots of people in and out ( Read more... )

personal, harassment

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qara_isuke October 11 2010, 05:12:44 UTC
....man, that's pretty suspicious. They're obviously doing SOMETHING over there they don't want people to know about.

I can't advise enough for you to work on getting out of there. There people are clearly unstable and willing to cross the legal line.


crabby_lioness October 11 2010, 05:15:13 UTC
Working on it like crazy.


qara_isuke October 11 2010, 05:31:19 UTC

Good luck with that. May I suggest, once you DO get out....sue the ever living fuck out of the county.

ALSO! You mentioned the Attorney that wouldn't help you is running for re-election, yes? All the more reason to contact the press about it. "Family terrorized by sheriff's deputy and others, Attorney refuses to return family's calls for help".

NOT the kind of publicity that he wants while running for re-election.


rdprice29 October 11 2010, 14:13:49 UTC
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I know the tv news stations up here all have their "investigative reporting teams"...do the news stations where you are also have the same? I'd try getting them to look into the case, because yeah...definitely not the attention a states attorney wants during reelection.

I hope you and your family are able to stay safe until you're able to move. I wish I could help more, but I don't know anyone in your area. :(

ps...here from copperbadge's radio free monday.


drglam October 11 2010, 16:11:17 UTC
Is the attorney running for reelection running against someone? Perhaps his opponent is a person you should talk to.


flamingsword October 12 2010, 01:01:11 UTC
Also here via copperbadge, and *points up* what she said. Anyone running for office will have their own media connections to throw such bones to, and an opponent will have reason to cast as much doubt on the incumbent as possible.


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