I am Crabby Lioness, hear me roar....

Jan 16, 2010 01:04

As part of my efforts to reaquaint my self with comics after years out of it I joined the Comic Book Resources Forum because I was told it was a good place to find out things. Pity I got banned within a week. And not for any violations on my part. Oh no, it seems my "posting style" resembled someone else's too closely. Apparently they believe there's a limit to the number of witty, articulate, well-educated, and well-read female comics fans. Or maybe they want to keep such women out of comics fandom; I've run into that attitude before.

On the offchance that someone from there actually reads the email of complaint I sent and cares enough to check it out, yes this is me. I've been using this name and this avatar exclusively for over 6 years, including 4 years on lj. During that time I have not posted as anyone else. Why would I? CrabbyLioness has too much "boardcred".

Why am I even bothering? If they were going to check out my references, they would have checked before they banned me. But its been a long time since I've been this insulted, and I am seriously hacked off.

personal, comics

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