A clever plot disguises a massive exposition dump, but has a weak ending.
Let's break it down:
The Clever Plot: An extremely clever and very slick evil physician-sorcerer cons his way into the castle to discredit Gaius and kill Uther. This guy didn't miss a beat the whole episode. I was impressed.
The Massive Exposition Dump: We get a dump-truckload of back-story about what was going on around the time Arthur was born. Which, it turns out, was about 25 years ago, the same time as the Great Purge when Uther killed all the magic users. Except for Gaius his court physician, who at least stood back and watched as his colleagues were massacred, if not collaborated in it. The records from that period were sealed by Uther. Gaius knows the Great Dragon, who is looking forward to Uther's death with great anticipation.
The Weak Ending: Merlin as deus ex machina. Meh. The awesome bad guy deserved better.
If I were watching a Who affiliate, I would bet this was the double-banked title-character-light episode. Since BBC Wales made it, it's probably a safe bet.
In the end it's a character study of Gaius, but what does it tell us? That 25 years ago he stood back and let all the other magic-users be killed. Even now, when push comes to shove he always sides with Uther, even if it means endangering Merlin. Why? We are left with no idea.
A character study is supposed to illuminate a character. Interesting word that, it can mean both "clarify" and "lighten". We get a clearer picture of Gaius, but not by much. And instead of being lightened, he's become a much darker character.
All this back-story better be going somewhere before the end of S1.
Episodes 1 - 3 Episode 4 Review: Innocence at Camelot Episode 5: (The Once and Future) Lancelot Episode 7: Deception for Dummies Episode 8: Deception for Non-Dummies Episode 9: What Color is Your Fairy Tale? Episode 10: The Practical Exam Episode 11: Today is a Good Day to Die