Why do so many wonderful character moments have to be trapped inside such a wretched plot?
About halfway through my husband said, "I hope they're going somewhere with to this. It's nice and creepy." When it was all over I asked him what he thought about it. "It was different."
"Yeah, but was it creepy-with-a-point or creepy-but-pointless?"
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Re: Jack's clingyness--well, he did say he came back for all the people on the team, didn't he? Whatever the norms of his original culture & time, we've seen enough to suggest that he's had plenty of emotional stress in his life, & been operating outside anything normal even by the standards of his native milieu, so I can easily see that he'd fix on his team as an emotional anchor & be desperate to hold on to them.
Allow me to second the Classicist vote. Though I rather liked having the surly, sharp-tongued Owen back; that boy's just too damaged for me to believe the kinder, gentler version can last forever; it strained credibility for it to have lasted this long.
Walls around towns of any significant size, yes--which also had names. Could the unnamed "town" have been a scraggly little village barely hanging on? The agricultural disasters & plague didn't hit till the 14th century, but iffy land was already playing out in the 13th.
I think a lot of people suspect that the tarot girl is the same girl who foiled Ol' Smokey last time. Boy, there really *are* some stupid aliens/demons who pass through Cardiff. I begin to wonder if they're being sent there for the humans to finish off.
It's starting to look that way.
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