Here's a few more thoughts on KKBB:
1)The theme of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang revolves around coming home but does not address homecoming in a straightforward manner. Jack is back "home" at Torchwood Cardiff. But what does "home" mean?
"Home is where you hang your hat." Jack's hat is on his hatstand in his office.
"Home is where they have to welcome you
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Not exactly. In the past three days, Torchwood has had raving writeups in the LA Times,0,5919917.story?coll=cl-tv-features and the New York Times I've been keeping track of the US press reviews on OG I haven't updated the tally since New Years Eve, but at that time it was:
Positive reviews - 70
Negative reviews - 2
Top 10 Best New Shows of Year Lists - 6
There's been several more positive reviews come in since then.
And then there's the US blog review thread where the positive/negative review ratio is about the same.
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