"What's in my drafts file" meme.

Oct 26, 2007 19:03

Gacked from Tanarian  Thank you hon, it finally got me to add a "draft" tag to all my unfinished fic.  Keep in mind these are the earliest lines written in the story, not necessarily the first lines.

Training Part 5

Ianto waited for the SUV to return.  The requested lead-lined containment unit (small) lay on a trolley beside him.  It was essentially the job he had done at Torchwood London, but there his Transportation crew had been larger than the entire Cardiff operation.

Ianto's responsibility had begun once the Retrieval Team had secured the artifact.  He had directed the cleanup; planned a secure, inauspicious route back home; got the artifact unloaded; and delivered it safely to Archives.  His crew had usually been assigned the smaller artifacts in the Manchester area, but they were often seconded to other crews to help with the big artifacts.  Nothing beat cleaning up a spaceship crash site before the locals found out about it, sneaking home with the loot, and laying it out for the crowd with a flourish.  It made him feel like a cross between Agent Jay and Santa Claus.

Training Part 6

Fancying Jack was a daft idea.  He was in disgrace, and the man had the power to have Ianto executed for what he had done.

That thought wasn't supposed to be  a turn-on.

It really wasn't supposed to add so much spice to the notion of taking Jack over Jack's desk.

Or to the notion of Jack taking him over Jack's desk.

Back to work, brain.

Lube, Lube, Wonderful Lube

Owen sighed.  "Standing orders from the Gov.  There's to be a bottle at every worktable used for examining aliens or alien tech."

Ianto cocked his eyebrow.

"He's right," Suzie said.  "Jack even foisted one off on me."

"You got a problem with it, take it up with him."

Hot Pizza and Cold Beer

The Hub was dark when Jack returned.  It had been properly locked down for an extended absence; he expected no less of Ianto.  Tosh's computer was set to monitor their movements automatically, but Jack already knew where they were.  His voice mail was full of calls from Gwen demanding he call her back.  He had a text message from Ianto:  "IM us ASAP.  Tosh is monitering.", followed by regular updates to their itinery.  He pulled up the IM screen.


Jack raced for the door of the Tourist Information center as the rain began peppering down.  The door light still shown in the gloom, meaning Ianto hadn't closed up yet.  There were no big cases pending at the moment, so with any luck the others would have snuck home by how.  Jack could spend the evening with his new past-time, shagging Ianto.  As the younger man slowly healed from the traumas of the past year, he had gained the sex drive of a horny teenager.  Jack intended to enjoy every moment of that rampant libido.

Jack grinned when he saw Ianto step aournd the front of the counter.  "Good evening, Captain.  How was your meeting?" Ianto asked.

"Okay, but we can talk about it later."  Jack pulled Ianto into an embrace and kissed him.  Ianto grabbed Jack and kissed back.  "When we're back on the clock."

Ianto smiled sardonically.  "We're not off the clock yet."

Jack sighed and looked around.  "What now?  Weevils?"

"Gwen.  She's still in the Hub working on the Eugene Jones case."  Ianto stepped back, dropping his arms, giving Jack a sympathetic look but nothing else.

'Tell her to go home."

"She won't listen to me.  You tell her to go home.  You're her boss."

Jack sighed and put his hands on his hips.  "No.  If I go down there, she's going to start asking me my opinions on things and we'll talk for the next hour."  He thought for a moment.  Ianto was too proud to risk being caught snogging in the Hub.  Jack admired his professionalism in principal.  In practice the effort of keeping his hands to himself during working hours was driving Jack crazy.

"We'll lock the outside door and switch off the door light.  The security system will let us know when she leaves.  She won't find out."  He held out his arms.

Ianto glared at Jack.  Scowling, he locked up, looked around one more time and walked towards the back room.  Jack's hopes plummeted down to his shoes.

Golden Eyes

Ianto woke up to find Jack looking at him with golden eyes.

22 Hours

"Thanks for everything, Cathy. I am really, truly, deeply grateful for all you've done for us. But I can't answer your questions. I'm sorry."
Cathy Swanson looked up at Jack Harkness and cursed him out in fluent Beat Cop. Jack smiled and took it. He owed her, which was why he had come to the station to deliver the bad news in person instead of telling her over the phone.

Bed of Nails

Ianto checked his suit again. His hand hovered over the elevator button as he watched the seconds slip by on the clock. Just as the second hand swept over the 12 he pushed the button.

Saturday morning. Nine a.m. No business on tap for the day, and no buiness had kept anyone here late the night before.


Jack's First Night

Jack Harkness was well aware that his best assets included a poker face and a tendancy not to panic. He could lean against the railing and smile at the dancing couple in front of him while his back brain ran around gibbering in circles trying to catch up with the events of the past two hours.


"Arse down, eyes up, bring a torch. I need someone to monitor wires for me."
"You're letting me under the hood?"

"Where's the maintenance manual?"

"You're looking at it."


"The repair log?"

"You couldn't read it."

"Your handwriting's that bad?"

"You want a lesson or not?"

Jack's First Day

"He can cook?" Rose took another bite of the spicy porridge. "He can cook." She turned to the Doctor. "That's it. We're keeping him. Even if we have to lock him up in the TARDIS, we're keeping him."
The Doctor didn't slow down his own eating long enough to reply. Jack grinned. The surest aphrodesiac ever invented was a home-cooked meal. Judging from the abysmal state of the kitchen stores, neither Rose nor the Doctor did much more than warm up frozen dinners.


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