Apr 20, 2004 17:04
Last time I updated was like 2 months ago, so...HI!!!
So since the last time I updated i've.....hmmm. passed part of my Law exam with a C, wich isnt bad considering everyone elses! Ive..... oh I went to Peterbrough last thursday 4 the wkend to help Dom move back home, and went to the town there, which is so much better than StAlbans! its got like a Chicargo Rock Cafe bar thing and loads of stuff! woo! ne way. Ive just been generaly fart arseing around. and the big news is. I had a Kidney infecton. thats right ME. lol yeah.
Twinkle twinkle liddle staaar. Im pritty bored right now, and can't really think of much to say so ill just say bye. 'Byye!' xx