May 08, 2004 01:17
Brian finally got the laptop working.
everything heres been really sad.. i suppose i couldve imagined that though.
im just talking to Jake but im really tired so i guess imgoingto go to bed wheni finishtalking to him
well egleast the continental breakfasts are good
mm i have a toasted bagelwith creamcheese every morning
sad thats the highlight of my day lol
we have a mustang. its cool my mom loves it
i havent talked to anyone but kels jake and i talked to Colin for a minute tonight
we went and looked where we used to live up here it was really cool.
i miss Pensacola so bad.
its wierd up here.
like 90% wigger/ black lol
i saw 2 hott guys the whole day at the mall today.
We went and saw Kill Bill volume 2
it was pretty good.
52 hours since Brians smoked. im so proud :) lol who though he could do it?
Family Drama like 24/7 up here its insane.
WashingtonDC soon i really DONT want to go.
maybe ill sneak on a plane back to Pensacola
Just for the record getting hit on by old rednecks the Funeral Home guy is entirely disgusting!!
well Jake left me so im gunna go to bed. good night everyone xox