Jan 29, 2005 20:24
just sitting here b0red out of my mind and just reminsciing about the past.
i'm listening to the usheR cd and thinking of you - its funny how with every passing song a different memory also plays out in my mind ...
at first being GrOUnded wasnt so bad, it was kinda of nice to just be lazy and lay around and watch tv. but i have officaly reached my limit! i cant take this anymore im about to crack. thank the l0rd its almost over.. lol i dont thnk iv ever been this excited for a school dance before, i def wouldnt be this excited if i hadnt been locked up in my house for ssooo lonG .... and now i have good/ unexpected news about that 2 =] .. so i should be happy and i am- but it's all so bittersweet..
hmm what else to wRite .. lol why am i even updating ? i have nothing to write! (& for the SEcondD day in a roW 2!) im stuck in my home and i've literally been online the whole day and talked to all of 5 people lol.. its not like i even have anything to say.. lets see sofar today i've slept, and cooked, oh yeah drove a lil and listened to a lot of music.. how interesting hahaa...oh yeah and jackal visited me...lol and i keep thinking of all the things i want to do when i get out next weekend but i have no effin money so it doesnt even mattER! hah! i need a job.. anyone have any suggestions? at the same time i dont want it devour my whole social life . not that i even have one right now but thats all about to chANGE! ha ha ha .. yes!~ finally.... hmm i really need to get a life
i didn't quite realize it until today
hOw much i really miss you . .
but once i turn around . . im not
coming b a c k \ \ . .
ok i found my i am special book from seriously kindergarden.. so if ya feel like it comment and tell me why you or why im special.. lol and dont say b/c im nice cos half the kids wrote that one 4 me.. make it interesting! my livejournal is lacking fUn =]