Ever wondered what the Ginger Avenger thinks of you? You can probably assume "apathetic disdain!" But he's getting better, I swear. Check the chart below for specifics.
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ = Close friends and loved ones. The few people who Steve would trust with his life, and who he'd risk anything for.
■ ■ ■ ■ = On good terms. Steve likes these people and considers them friends. He still keeps some things from them for whatever reason, but as long as they don't let him down these people are in good standing with him.
■ ■ ■ = Neutral. Having only spoken to them a little bit, Steve generally keeps these people at arm's length in order to keep a good opinion of them. One move he doesn't like and you'll quickly find yourself...
■ ■ = Disliked. You're just a typical person-- stupid, self-involved, out for your own interests and unreliable. Don't take it too personally, though, Steve is a little teenage misanthrope and files most people under this category.
■ = Hated. Do you have a problem with Steve? Because Steve has a problem with you, for whatever reason. Expect to be glared and eyerolled at in that special teenage broody way.
---ON STACY---
Claire Redfield
redfield"When I say you're a part of my family, I'm not saying it just to make you feel better. Family is very important to me, and when I say you're a part of mine- I mean it."
- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - Steve's closest friend, the girl he met by chance in the middle of the outbreak on Rockfort Island. He trusts Claire more than anybody else in the world and she was the first person he let through his defenses after all the trauma of his prison ordeal. He labeled his feelings for her as romantic love, but it's probable he doesn't know how else to express how important she is to him. After finally talking to her about it, Steve knows his feelings are unrequited and going to stay that way, but that doesn't change how important she is to him. He'll always strive to be there for her.
He is still really embarrassed about the age different between them, and will get really upset if you point it out or treat them as anything but equals.
Luke Skywalker
restoresbalance"Whatever was done or said before this does not matter right now. All that matters is that Steve Burnside exerts control. You have to win that fight, Steve. You have to win because I love you like a son. I don't want to see my sons hurt."
- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - Luke has taken Steve under his wing and started serving as something of an amateur youth counselor/replacement father figure for him. Steve appreciates the faith Luke has in him, and appreciates all the help he's given him even more. He's eager to please the Jedi master and wants to prove that he is as capable as Luke thinks he is. Secretly, he looks up to Luke like he would his father.
Miku Hinasaki
ghost_bait"It took a little while to change from like-a-lot to love, but it did. I'm happy."
- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - Steve's girlfriend. He likes spending time with Miku and feels quite protective of her, especially given her shy demeanor and the hints he's picked up about her low self-esteem, so he will easily go out of his way to watch out for her to play up his knight in shining armor tendencies. They're both still pretty awkward about the whole romance thing, but he feels like he's starting to get the hang of it. They are still INCREDIBLY PG-rated, though.
Dr. McNinja
wantstobebatman"You were resourceful, you did what others couldn't. That's commendable, don't belittle it. Enjoy knowing you did a good job a little, okay?"
- ■ ■ ■ ■ - One of Steve's doctors and a pretty cool guy. He's been very supportive as far as T-Veronica goes, so Steve is inclined to trust him.
Paco Guzman
flunkingspanish"You're my friend, aren't you? I have to care about your problems; pretty sure that's in the contract, along with wingmanning it and making fun of you when you're being a dork."
- ■ ■ ■ ■ - Paco is a pretty normal kid and Steve perceives him as something of the local "cool kid," so hanging out with Paco from time to time gives him that normalcy he wants. Even if he feels pretty outclassed by him as far as social status goes. He's starting to notice how inclined Paco is to meddling, though...
Scarlet Levy
medicalmind - ■ ■ ■ - Another of Steve's doctors. He's very respectful to her, with just a hint of that teenage awkwardness that happens around attractive older women.
Sherry Birkin Redfield-Kennedy
in_venting - ■ ■ ■ - Claire's daughter with Leon, which represents something that Steve would just not like to think about very much. He's a bit envious of the attention she gets from Claire, childish as it is of him. Even so, the two of them have taken something of a step forward after Steve rescued her from the Tyrant at the near cost of his own life. They're still not exactly friends, but she appreciates his saving her life, and he appreciates her antibodies being used in the treatment of his virus.
visserbasher - ■ ■ ■ - He's had run in with her a few times. She's kind of pushy but basically nice, so she's okay in his book.
Mara Jade Skywalker
- ■ ■ ■ - Luke's wife. Huh? No, he's not scared of her! Where would you get a dumb idea like that?
Ben Skywalker
- ■ ■ ■ - Luke's biological son. Steve is not at all awkward and nervous around him either. Nope!
Leon S. Kennedy
governmentninja"The kid's an ass, but he deserves some chance at a normal life."
- ■ ■ (and a half) - WHAAAAAT? No, it's true. Now that Steve isn't pining over Claire, he's somewhat lost any reason to be jealous of Leon (aside from the "being cooler than Steve in every way" reason). Still, Steve is very (unnecessarily) watchful that he doesn't cause Claire any distress. He is obviously nervous around Leon and clearly intimidated by him, though this has a lot to do with the fact that Leon carts that Linear Launcher around for the express purpose of blowing Steve to bits if T-Veronica goes off.
- ■ ■ - Annoying and preachy.
Lex Luthor
imperious_lex - ■ - Sicced GLaDOS on Steve to experiment on him, nearly made him mutate. If Steve ever got the chance, he'd... well, he doesn't know what he'd do, but he'd almost certainly have a moral crisis over it.
Marilyn Burnside - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - Steve's mother. Her death continues to haunt him even months after the fact, and the senselessness of what happened to her weighs on him heavily. Steve has frequent nightmares about the sight of his mother's murder and considers the moment one of the worst out of all his remarkably traumatic experiences. He's incredibly sensitive to memories of her and absolutely refuses to talk about her to anyone but his most trusted people. Needless to say, "your mom" jokes won't go over well with Steve.
Paul Burnside - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ / ■ / ??? - Steve's father. On one hand, Steve was extremely close to him and looked up to him as a hero and a role model. On the other hand, it was his father's reckless, immoral choices that led to his mother's death and his own torturous ordeal at the hands of Umbrella. Though they were imprisoned together, Steve never got a chance to come to terms with his feelings towards his father, and mention of him brings up a lot of uncomfortable feelings-- anger, sorrow, resentment and mourning. Having to shoot his zombie was also not all that fun. In short: DADDY ISSUES.
Message from Steve's father)
Alfred Ashford
- ■ - Psychotic cross-dressing sadistic nutjob. Steve suffered under his reign at Rockfort Island, absolutely hated him and feels no remorse for killing him.
Alexia Ashford
- ■ - Psychotic megalomaniacal sadistic nutjob. She's the reason he has T-Veronica in the first place, and he probably hates her guts more than anybody else in the whole universe.