Gr8, you already know my name. That saves a 8unch of time on introductions.
8ut if you already know my name then you pro8a8ly already know there's a high8lood running around trying to kill us. He's usually high 8ut he's out of sopor slime and we don't have any either. You'd 8e a8le to get some, right????????
8ecause I don't want to waste a 8unch of time wagering with some8ody else's god. There's kind of an important and pressing issue at hand here, you knoooooooow!
Two. May8e three? Terezi and myself, 8ecause we decided on it together. I don't know where Nepeta is 8ut I know she would want to 8e part of this. Is that enough????????
A trade is something we can provide you with, Vriska Serket.
That saves a 8unch of time on introductions.
8ut if you already know my name then you pro8a8ly already know there's a high8lood running around trying to kill us.
He's usually high 8ut he's out of sopor slime and we don't have any either.
You'd 8e a8le to get some, right????????
Such a substance is easy enough to procure.
8ut if you really want to tell me that's fiiiiiiiine, I guess. 8ut it's not really important.
Gr8, now what a8out something that we used in a game in our world?
Can you get me something like that too?
It can be gotten.
So what kind of stuff can we trade? It just has to 8e important to us, right?
Citizens have often offered us payment in powers, their memories, or their senses.
Do you wish to offer something of that sort?
Troll 8lood is different from human 8lood.
That 8e a good trade, right?
But something like that is no good if only one among you gives it up.
There's kind of an important and pressing issue at hand here, you knoooooooow!
How many of us?
It would be a nice show of solidarity to hear "all of us"- but that may be asking a bit much. How many can you offer, I wonder- consent must be given.
Or implied.
Terezi and myself, 8ecause we decided on it together. I don't know where Nepeta is 8ut I know she would want to 8e part of this.
Is that enough????????
If so, I suppose I could check the book.
I didn't have time to ask every8ody. Like I said 8efore:
Kiiiiiiiind of in a hurry!
Just tell me if it's enough or not.
Why do we have to 8arter for this stuff????????
It's important for every8ody here! Not just us!
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