Nov 23, 2004 16:45
wow...what a past few ive been scheduled to work for a lot of days this week, picking up some hours etc...managed to get out of working thanxgiving so i can be with my family...omgosh i cant wait!!!!!!! and on top of all that, im pretty much done classes and stuff....from now on its concentrating on all the big stuff i totallly looked like the biggest dork in the world walking back from the library with 2 BAGS of BOOKS in my hands...yes 18 books i will peruse for good shakespearian stuff to use in my hopefully amazing and profound paper for my shakespeare class. omgosh...i just hope i have the time...for once, im REALLY excited about a paper...literary analysis makes me foam at the mouth...hehe...btw...the topic is comparing hamlet to prince hal/king henry V...i cant wait to see what is the final product...and not only to i get to eat turkey and be with my family and make money and do research on stuff in my major, i also can say that even the PAST few days were amazing! Last night, i kid u not, after coming home from work i talked to mara and went over her dorm for...hmmm lets see...a little over 4 HOURS!!!! it was 400 when i went to bed and it was crazy! But we talekd for such a long time about litaerally everythign there is to talk about. Shes soo chill and cool about it. we even found out that we both have the same squinty eye when we smile. amazing. just got doen having a catch with mi amiga veroncia (thank you SOOO much for reminding me how awesome having a catch is). OOOHHH yeah and its my MOMMY's bday today...and tomorrow is kyle's soo everyone wish happy things for them! i cant wait to go home and eat and be tired afterwards with my family! i love them. i love my friends. i love tlaking for ridiculous amounts of time. i love baseball. i love it all! i just hope this semester finishes with a good note! HAPPY THANXGIVING EVERYBODY if i dont see u before ur in the tryptophan-enduced coma. LAter dayz!