What I've Been Up To....

Aug 03, 2009 16:09

I never update. I suck at it. I used to update many times a day, but such was the life of a college student, or a person who had no life outside work....

Anyways, Jason and I headed up to Ithaca for a quick trip. He hung with Todd while I hung out with my mom and sister and went college shopping!! I still can't believe that she's finally graduated from high school. In my mind, she's still 13.

Anyways, we scooped her and her friend Teresa up and drove them back down to Delaware with us. We managed to make it to the beach Monday night after we had gotten home. It was the funniest thing ever to watch Mary try to sucker punch waves for knocking her over, and then falling down because of another wave! Mary's been in the ocean before, but not really... we went on a cruise five and a half years ago, and she went horseback riding in the ocean, but, so she just had to hope the waves didn't knock over the horse she was riding, but that's really the only time she's been swimming in the ocean. We ended up having to leave because we were seeing lightening off in the distance.

Tuesday we made a day of it at the beach, and both the girls managed to get sunburned, luckily not too badly. At one point, I noticed a rain storm off to the west, and mentioned to Mary that we should get out of the water and cover everything up, and not a moment later, it was raining... It cleared out the beach, and we ended up sending the girls back to the car to get the cabana in case it rained again.

Wednesday, we got crazy early, so that we could leave the house by 6am because it was Pony Penning Day in Chincoteague, VA. We got down there shortly after 7, and got to see a house with a tree growing out the window on the way!! Every time that Jason and I have tried to go down there before, we never made it. We were always called back by an emergency, or because of rain or... So it was nice to finally make it down there. We took the bus to Memorial Park, and then hiked over to Pony Swim Lane. We didn't actually get to see the ponies swim, but we did get to see them as they were being taken over to the fairgrounds for the auction the following day. We had an interesting time with the people there while we waited for the to be brought by us. There were the people that had a sense of humor about the heat and the people and had been there for hours to stake out their spot (like us), and then there were those that thought they were god's gift to the world, and so were their children, and how dare you say loudly that you're not a towel when their kids wipe their muddy hands on you as they go past, after all, the kids did say excuse me and you could have moved... By that point, there was nowhere to move, but the kids had plenty of room to get by without wiping the mud from the marsh on me. The same mother was also pissed about the fact that the people next to us wouldn't let their kids through to the front when the ponies were coming through. She quite literally told the women that they were "arrogant and obviously not from around here, because here we take care of the kids - all the kids, not just our own" when one of them told her that she didn't want to take responsibility for the kids because she didn't know them and didn't want to be blamed for them running out with the ponies. Aren't people great??

After the ponies, we walked back to the park, caught a bus back to the high school (which actually dropped us off right near our car which was probably a half mile down the road from the high school), and drove off Chincoteague, and over to Wallop's Island to the NASA visitors center (about 5 miles down the road). It turns out that this is actually one of the oldest launch sites in the world... and I had no idea that NASA was anywhere on Delmarva! We ate lunch there at the picnic tables (we had brought lunch with us), and then went in, but we were all soo tired that we only stayed there for a short while, and I'll have to go back to take it all in!

Thursday we were supposed to go into DC and see the sites. Teresa has a friend that lives in Annapolis, and so was going to have dinner with him that night when he got out of work. The DC thing got kabashed because Jason and I were too tired to get up early that morning, so we hung around the house all morning. The girls eventually took our car and went shopping at the outlets, and then Jason took them over to Annapolis that night so Teresa could see her friend.

Friday the girls stuck around the house some more, though eventually we did go out to a few stores. They had missed one of the outlets on the last trip, so we hit that, and then came home as it started raining and the winds and rain was knocking down tree branches. The sad part is that I was so thrilled to have rain, that I didn't mind the fact that it killed all chances of going to the beach that day! Mommy arrived late that night, after having gotten lost in Wilmington. Mapquest had told her to go the wrong way!!

Saturday we all got up late, and then tried to go to the beach, but the park in Lewes where we normally go was all full up!! We ended up driving down the coast and eating lunch at Sunset Park in Dewey, and then we went to the northern swimming beach at the Delaware Seashore State Park. We spent all afternoon there, and got to watch to comedy of people trying to figure out how to put up a tent. Granted, we're not really sure WHY they were putting up a tent since they didn't come until after 5pm, and the park closes at sunset, and there's no camping in that part of the park, but it was funny. Mom was just annoyed because they chose to set it up directly in front of us, so the were blocking her view of the water.

For dinner, we went to this great restaurant, Crabby Dick's. It's not a place that we can take my inlaws because of the humor they have at this place, but its good food, and my sister and Teresa enjoyed the atmosphere quite thoroughly, and my mother was able to laugh about it too. Just to give you an idea of the humor, they have this gift shop there, and sell seamen sauce, and tee shirts that say "Got crabs?" or "Anita Dick" to name a few things. I think my mother-in-law would have a heart attack.

Sunday we all got up, and drove up to Georgetown to the Harvest Diner for breakfast, where the waitress picked on Jason the ENTIRE time. My poor husband!! Mom and the girls left from there to make their sojourn back north, and ended up lost again! I want to buy her a GPS for christmas, even though its hysterical to hear these stories of her getting lost.

So that was the week with peoples. Now I have the week to recuperate, and then my inlaws are arriving on Friday, along with Ann and George (Jason's aunt and uncle) so that they can all look at places to retire to here in Delaware. Ann and George I hear are leaving on Monday, but Bill and Lois I guess are staying until Wednesday... I think I want to get a job in the chicken processing plant and to start next week....

And then I guess that following Friday Mike, Paul and Allison are coming to visit... and maybe Ananda too...?

I'm ready for a break. No one else is allowed to come this month, or September. I'm blocking out the weekends!! Next year Jason and I need a calender so we can write down who is coming when, and block out weekends to recoup, so that I don't feel like I never get time with just us on weekends, even if that was how it was for the beginning of the summer! This is too much all at once!
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