Jul 15, 2006 08:47
Welp, I'm baaaaack! Didja miss me? I hope those were all nods and yeses. I got back kind of late on Thursday (5 o'clock) because of some plane issues. Apparently, right before our plane was set to come and get us, Mexico closed off all it's borders for an hour. No planes allowed in or our of Mexico. Why? I don't know. But it bumped our arrival back an hour. We just chilled in the Mexican airport for awhile, you know. Plus, the baggage thingy got jammed after we got through customs. At least Thursday was the only no-smooth day of the trip.
Since I got back, I've watched the first 4 out of 6 disks of LOST Season 1, which Adnan lent me before he left for Pakistan and I left for Mexico. Can you say addicted? I'm SO glad that I don't have to watch with commercials because I don't think that I could take the break. Not only that, but they end the episodes on such cliff hangers. That's probably why I'm already 16 episodes in...I just can't find an episode to let myself stop on. I look forward to the LOST Season 2 DVD coming out as well. I need to have some converstations about this show with Adnan, Liz, Liz's parents, and eventually Amy about this. Next up: Firefly. I'm looking forward to getting addicted to that as well. There just isn't enough time during the school year to watch enough TV. House, yes. American Idol, yes. Can't I stand to watch anymore? We'll see. :)
Tonight, Brandon, Liz, Amy, and I are leaving for our roadtrip. After everyone gets off work, we are riding up to Flagstaff, where Daryl lives. Then, we're going to spend tomorrow finishing with the filming of our movie. We'll actually leave for California pretty early on Monday, so that we have plenty of time for Hollywood and Santa Monica Pier before we go back to our hotel to sleep. Tuesday is Six Flags day! Yay! We all get in free because we have season passes and tons o' coupons. That night, we'll drive back to Flagstaff and drive back to G-Dale the next morning. I'm excited because Amy is finally going this time! The Carletta Productions team is neigh complete...except of course for Inday, the newlywed.
I need to see Pirates II today before I leave tonight. I'm SOMEBODY doesn't work today because I don't want them all talking about something that I didn't see yet while we're there. The end.
Once I get my Mazatlan pictures developed, I'll scan them in, and make a photo diary on my Facebook.
I hope everyone's summer is going well. I'm hell-bent to make this last month of summer COUNT!