*Shocked Expression* Emily Wrote in the Subject Box!

Jan 28, 2006 23:48

I haven't written on my LJ for a while, but now I feel compelled to update.

Do you ever get the feeling that everyone around you is changing and you're just staying the same? I've been getting that feeling A LOT lately. It's not just that it feels like people have changed, but its that it feels sort of like they're leaving me. I don't want them to leave me. I want things to stay the same. I never thought of myself as someone who disliked change until recently. I thought I was the type of person that embraced change. Guess not. I can't really assess whether people are changing in a good or a bad way. It's a little of both I suppose. It makes me feel really jealous and selfish--jealous because I kind of wish that I could change too, and selfish because I want everyone else to stay in the same place with me. I don't really want to get into the details. I had a good long talk with Cambel the other day. She's good to talk to. She was on duty so we watched TV for hours and hours in the TV lounge, which is greatly underused. Anyway, I'm starting to feel kind of shallow about myself. It feels like people all have really close relationships. I saw a friend over winter break who got married over the summer. She's only 6 months older than me. She's pregnant now. How's that for weird. I've never gone out with anyone...never been in what you can call a relationship. I can't really say that I completely want to. It's just that I want a connection with somebody. Even when I'm around other people, I feel alone. I'm always with my thoughts. I like to be alone. That's terribly depressing though. How antisocial does that sound? Hmmm...I don't want this post to get emo. If I'm going to post...I might as well post something that people don't want to stab me for writing.

Yesterday I took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for my Blue Chip leadership program. It was really cool. For about two and a half hours, we all hung out in this room with the main Blue Chip advisor, Terry, who's a really funny guy. We each took the personality test, and then we talked about the eight letters while the helpers were scoring. It was awesome. I'm an INFJ, which means Introvert Intuition Feeling Judging. The letters are in four groups of two. There's Extrovert-Introvert, Sensing-Intuition, Thinkin-Feeling, Judging-Perceiving. Extrovert-Introvert is pretty self-explanitory. Extroverts live and thrive in the outer/social world and introverts are energized by being alone with their thoughts. Sensing means that you see things for what they are. About 80 percent of people are sensors. If asked to describe something, a popsicle stick per se, they'll rattle off physical descriptions and details. Intuition means you see things for what they could be or once were. These people make up the other 20 percent of people. If asked to describe popsicle stick, they'd tell you what used to be on it or what you could make out of it. Thinking is when your head rules your heart and feeling is when your heart rules your head. That one's pretty self-explanitory as well. The last one, Judging-Perceiving, is the one that fits me best. I was 21 Judging and 1 Perceiving. Judgers are perfectionists who love schedules. Everything has to be in its place. Judgers will do their work as soon as they get it. They have a work now, play later ideology and can't have fun unless their work is accomplished. Perceivers are the people who thrive off of pressure. They're the type that will have fun first and then write their papers then night before, working off of the pressure. They're more spontaneous. So anyway, I thought my INFJ personality type was pretty accurate. It was fun to talk about that for the afternoon.

Anyway, I'm pretty tired and my dreams await. I hope I have some good ones.

I'll have to update about A History of Violence later.
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