I really, really hate naming people. No matter what I am writing for whatever reason, one of the most difficult things for me to do is name the people in my story.
There are a few reasons for this problem. First off, it can't be the name of anyone I know. If I know a person with the same name, I have a lot of trouble writing the character without picturing the REAL person who is named the same thing. So that takes out a lot of potential names.
Next reason is because I sometimes don't want a name to have a deep meaning behind it. See, if you know that your main character is very dainty and you want her name to mean "flower" then you are all set. Go look up names that mean flower and there are plenty of pretty ones to choose from. But if you don't want a meaning behind the name, or if you can't figure out how to word the meaning you DO want into a search engine, then you have to look through hordes of lists to find something.
The only other option would be to think of names off of the top of my head. And who does that? I think I did that for the first ten characters I ever made. Then I ran out of name ideas.
Though, I haven't ever used Bob...