
Jul 17, 2005 01:29

Wow... I have to work later. I don't want to. Fuckin homos.

I should have called the Feral One... I feel bad.

I'm wide awake with nothing to do and no one to talk to that won't get in trouble for me calling so late, damn...

I had some crazy fun with Lady Catherine and her sister Christine on Thursday, man that was a good time.
It consisted of a sweet lack of sleep, watching the Butterfly Effect again while I waited for a decent time of the morning to call her, going out to Dunkind Donuts/Burger King for breakfast and lunch and meeting some of her family members... Quite interesting. Those two really make me laugh to no end sometimes. -Gratitude-

Man... If I ever get to do any of the stuff we talked about while eating I think I'd be set for good times for a whole week. Haha. I wonder how she's doing... I really should learn to use a phone. There's so many people I don't call... -shifty eyes- But when I DO call they don't want to answer the damn phone!

Fuck it.

Fuckin Hell! Bought some shit at Newbury Comics... am now broke and must find a way to conjure up some funds legally so I can see a movie Tuesday...

Fuck Me...

Wedding Crashers was fuckin hilarious. No lie.

My luck sure blows the heinous goats sometimes... I don't want to move.... It's not far, but it's far enough.

IwishIhadsomethingtodobecauseImsoboredbutIhavetoworktomorrowandIdontwannabutsleepisallthatsleftsinceIcantcallanyoneordoanythingbesideswalkaroundaimlesslywiththeprobabilityofgettingshotwhenIjustwantedto buyadrinkwithabuckandaquartersoIwontfallasleeporbethirstybutthingsnevergomywaybutIshouldntbesoselfishthesedays.

H E L L O?

Ok, that's it, off to the dreamworld I go, this shit is retarded and I'm rambling.

Oh sweet dreams and an intricate imagination... <3

Oyasumi Nasai.

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