Im eating carmel sauce and apples right now, except more is getting on the keyboard and my fingers then in my tummy..
I wish i was more thankful for what i have. LIFE IS SO FUCKING PRETTIFUL, WHY CANT I JUST OPEN MY EYES TO THAT? I need to learn to be less selfish.
I don’t post too often on here anymore, come to think of it I don’t do much of anything anymore. I’m caught in this endless stage of drowsiness which prevents me from really living, I need something to clear my mind at night so I can sleep; it used to be our late night talks.. his voice was like a lullaby never failing to serenade me to sleep. The old days are fucking dead.
Here is a homecoming picture that deserves a ‘hell yes’ because we look like sexy bitches. (excuse the massive blurriness)
amy geoff me (look at that boys staff)
I know that noone survives, xoxohx